Finding Parts and Services for Medical Equipment Repair

Healthcare businesses will often find that while their oncology equipment is in excellent shape, there comes a time when something will breakdown or break all together.  When that happens, there is usually a ruckus, because then someone needs to find out who sells parts or services their linear accelerator or other oncology equipment.  While this may seem easy, it is not as easy as it appears, especially because the company that is hired must excel in the work that they do and the oncology equipment parts that they provide.

There are numerous linear accelerator parts and oncology equipment parts that are needed when things go wrong, and Radparts has more than sixty-five thousand parts in our warehouse.  That means that whatever you and your patients need, we have it in stock and ready to use.

Whether your linear accelerator needs a new MLC motor, console keyboard, or a new pump, you will not need to spend days waiting for a replacement.  Instead of shuffling patients around, and trying to fulfill their needs, you can have your oncology equipment repaired quickly and be ready for your next patient right away.

Knowing where to find parts for your oncology equipment and knowing who can service them all is key to keeping your patients safe and healthy during their treatments.  You never want to take a risk and use a linear accelerator or any other oncology equipment that has a broken or missing part, as that can put your patients in danger.

Instead, you will want to inspect your linear accelerator and other oncology equipment every day and have routine maintenance and outside inspections completed too.  The sooner you notice an issue, the easier it will be to have everything fixed and up and running again.  After all, no oncology unit will be able to function properly without this equipment and patients can suffer significantly from a broken-down machine as well.

Whether you have a brand-new linear accelerator or a completely refurbished one, you will want to have someone on hand for service and parts right away.  While you may hope that you do not need their services for a long time, you will quickly find that things do not always work out the way that you plan.  Therefore, a little pro-action will go a long way when the inevitable does happen and you need linear accelerator parts or other oncology equipment parts and services.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Global Medical Linear Accelerator market will propel huge growth and share in near future.

Global Medical Linear Accelerator Market 2018 Research Reports emphasizes on key industry analysis, market size, growth and extensive industry dynamics with respect to with respect to drivers, restraints, opportunities, pricing structure and latest trends in the industry.

Request for the sample report here:,-Types-And-Application,-History-And-Forecast-2025#sample

In the introductory part, Medical Linear Accelerator Market Research Report offers optimum market insights of the Medical Linear Accelerator industry, which comprises definitions and a diverse range of statements, Medical Linear Accelerator market chain structure and pricing analysis. The global Medical Linear Accelerator market analysis further provides pioneering landscape of market along with market expansion history and key development involved in the industry. The report also features comprehensive research study for high growth potential industries professional survey with market analysis.

Top Manufacture analysis of Global Medical Linear Accelerator Market: 
Coherent, Inc
Schott AG
Boston Scientific Corporation
Timbercon, Inc
IPG Photonics Corporation
American Medical System LLC
Leoni AG
Rofin-Sinar Technologies
Vitalcor, Inc
Olympus America
Trumpf Group

Global Medical Linear Accelerator Market Segmentation:
By Type
Laser Fiberoptic
Fiberoptic Dental Lights
Fiberoptic Sensors
Fiberoptic Surgical Lights

By Applications
Medical Telecommunication
Capital Equipment

Geographical segmentation of Medical Linear Accelerator Market involves the regional outlook which further covers United States, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and India.

As the report proceeds further, it covers the analysis of key market participants paired with development plans and policies, production techniques, price structure of the Medical Linear Accelerator market. The report also identifies the other essential elements such as product overview, supply chain relationship, raw material supply and demand statistics, expected developments, profit and consumption ratio.

Inquire before buying here:,-Types-And-Application,-History-And-Forecast-2025#inquiry

The report encompasses 15 chapters to precisely capture the Global Medical Linear Accelerator Market:

Chapter 1, to characterize Medical Linear Accelerator market structure, product scope, industry survey, business opportunities, market restraint, industry driving force;

Chapter 2, to analyze the top key players of the Medical Linear Accelerator, with sales, revenue, and cost structure of Medical Linear Accelerator, in 2017 and 2018;

Chapter 3, to evaluate the aspiring situation among the key players, with sales, revenue, and market share in 2017 along with 2018;

Chapter 4, to provide the Medical Linear Accelerator market in terms of region, with sales, revenue and market share for each region from 2013 to 2018;

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, to identify the regional and country analysis with respect to sales, revenue and Medical Linear Accelerator market share;

Chapter 10 and 11, to showcase the Medical Linear Accelerator market segmentation by type and application, in terms of sales, market size and growth rate of each segment, from 2013 till 2018;

Chapter 12, Comprises Medical Linear Accelerator market forecast, market segmentation including region, type and application in terms of sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2025;

Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to unveil Medical Linear Accelerator sales channel, distributers, traders, dealers, research findings, conclusion, appendix and data source;

We also provide report customization services according to your special requirements. We would be glad to assist you!

Proper Maintenance Keeps Medical Systems Running Smoothly

The manufacturer of all medical equipment routinely establishes a regular maintenance schedule that customers need to be able to accomplish in order to ensure that their system is running properly. These maintenance requirements ensure tests are run to ensure that certain linear accelerator parts are all functioning well. The same is true for oncology equipment parts.


Importance of doing regular proper maintenance


When the equipment you are operating is designed for diagnosing a wide range of serious injuries, illnesses, and diseases it is extremely important that they are working optimally at all times. To be sure that all of your machines are properly maintained you should read all of the documentation that comes with each machine and pays close attention to any section that lists regular or scheduled maintenance.


8 Steps Involved in Quality Preventative Maintenance Plans on Medical Equipment

#1 Get the key people in your organization on board with the plan

– In order for any maintenance plan to work you need to be sure that you have all of your people on board with your plan.


#2 Discuss your goals for the plan

Be sure to discuss all of your goals for the program with everyone to be sure everyone understands them.

#3 Do an initial inventory of all the equipment needing to be maintained

You should a complete inventory of all of the equipment that will be part of your plan.


#4 Make decisions on the plan you wanting to follow

Make final decisions on how the plan will be carried out.

#5 Read through all of the equipment manuals

It is important to know as much about the machinery as you possibly can before you get started.


#6 Schedule long-term maintenance plan

Set up a long-term maintenance plan that covers all of the vital systems of the equipment.


#7 Schedule short-term maintenance plan

Set up a short-term plan that covers a more basic look over of the system.


#8 Train your people

Before you set your plans in motion you want to be sure that all of your people are all on the same page and ready to carry out the mission.


For some medical facilities this type of maintenance on each piece of equipment requires a special department within the organization.  For others it is more cost effective to outsource medical equipment maintenance and repairs to a company that specializes in the repair of medical equipment and parts needed for complex repairs on large scaled equipment such as linear accelerators, CT scanners, and a variety of radiation oncology equipment.


Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


New medication may treat chemotherapy, radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis

Researchers from the University of Granada have developed new medication which could help to treat and prevent chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis in head and neck cancer patients. The melatonin compound, in the form of a gel, has now passed phases 1 and 2 of clinical trials and is expected to be on sale by 2022.

Mucositis is the inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract, with the mouth being the most commonly affected site. Over 550,000 patients across the world suffer from the condition every year.

Oral mucositis is one of the most severe toxic side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and can be observed in virtually all head and neck cancer patients receiving these treatments. It is characterized by ulceration and lesions in the oral cavity, a complication that significantly influences a patient’s ability to process both solid and liquid foods and reduces their quality of life. It is acutely painful and in the most severe cases, it can even lead to chemotherapy dose reduction or the suspension of cancer treatment altogether.

With a view to tackling the total absence of effective medication aimed specifically at treating oral mucositis, the UGR research team, led by Prof. Germaine Escames, set out to make use of the important anti-inflammatory and other healing properties of melatonin, developing a groundbreaking pharmaceutical product effective in preventing and treating the affliction.

The gel was patented by the UGR and is currently undergoing the final stages of clinical trials under the name of Mucomel® at the biopharmaceutical company Spherium Biomed. Over the course of rigorous placebo-controlled trials involving the participation of 84 patients from 10 Spanish hospitals, Mucomel reduced the incidence rate of severe mucositis by half. Moreover, among patients who did contract mucositis, the gel curtailed the duration of the condition by a clinically significant amount of time.

According to the Chief Operating Officer of Spherium Biomed, Ramon Bosser, the successful results of the trials have greatly encouraged the firm to continue in their efforts to make Mucomel available to patients across the globe. The company is currently negotiating the conditions of the 3rd clinical phase with its international partners and expects to put the product on the market by 2022. The full results of the study were also presented at an annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on the 3 June 2018 in Chicago.

Project timeline

The research team, along with the Research Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Granada, began studying the viability of patenting the product in 2007. In 2009, the team secured funding from InnoCash, a programme that supported innovation in Spain, which enabled them to carry out a proof of concept. This proof of concept gave them enough experimental support to file a patent in 2011, which piqued the interest of several pharmaceutical companies interested in further developing the product. The project also received funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the Regional Government of Andalusia, and after a successful marketing campaign to promote the product a patent licencing agreement was granted in favour of Spherium Biomed (formerly known as Janus Development).

Original Source:

Original Date: June 30 2018


When Is It Time to Replace Your LINAC System Instead of Repairing It?

It is a known fact that linear accelerators, LINAC systems are expensive. Not only is the piece of equipment on a whole costly but also buying the replacement parts for linear accelerators can be quite costly, especially if it is a rush order. Hence, regular maintenance and care must be ensured to enhance its lifespan.

The importance of a LINAC system for a healthcare facility provider that offers cancer treatment is known to one and all. This intelligent system is designed to treat cancerous cells and kill them as part of cancer treatment. Therefore, it is considered to be a vital aspect in the treatment of different type of cancers.

Health experts know that the radiation that emits out of LINAC and other such devices also pose certain health hazards. However, linear accelerators boast of advanced safety measures; hence, these machines are programmed to provide only the required dosage that is required keeping in consideration the condition of the patient.

The problem with LINACS, like other systems, they can start to falter over time. Regular use can lead to damages in different parts of the machine, as a result, it may start showing deteriorate signs or stop working completely. A tough decision to make here is whether to get it repaired or if the equipment needs to be replaced.

The key is to know when to fix or when to replace. When equipment starts to falter on a regular basis, it may be time to look into finding a refurbished LINAC system.  However, a system that is just experiencing normal wear and tear should be repaired using linear accelerator replacement parts.

You should consider the replacement option in case a part of the system has faltered or stopped working when it starts to occur on a regular basis. However, in a situation where a single part of the system stops, or something occurs that is normal it is a better option to repair the equipment.  These large pieces of medical equipment are meant to withstand time so in many cases repair is the best options.

It really comes down to a number of factors such as downtime from the present equipment. If you are continually experiencing equipment failure that leads to cancelled treatments then you may have to analyze the cost between patient care, cancelled appointments, repair expenses, replacement parts, vs the cost of new equipment.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Service Contracts, Procuring Parts, and Timely Repairs

LINAC service contracts are used in hospitals and clinics on medical equipment and machines that are used in the process of treating cancer patients with radiation therapy.  LINAC service contracts are agreements between companies that state services will be performed on medical equipment as necessary for a specific time.

Linear accelerators are available in many medical facilities to be used in the treatment of cancer.  This machine allows radiation to conform to the size and shapes of tumors in patients with cancer.  This treatment is targeted to the cancerous tumors without affecting healthy tissues that are nearby.  Radiation oncology equipment is crucial to treatment.  This leads most hospitals and facilities to require regular service and maintenance on medical equipment throughout the radiation department.

Many companies servicing LINAC machines have replacement parts in stock and quick access to regularly needed replacement parts; this ensures that important equipment is serviced and repaired in a timely manner to avoid lengthy downtime.  The top five replacement parts kept on hand for linear accelerators maintenance and repair include:

  1. Thyratron

It is used as a high power electrical switch and as a controlled rectifier. It is a gas filled tube and it has the capacity to maintain much greater currents than similar hard-vacuum tubes. IT works according to the phenomenon known Townsend in which the gas becomes ionized on electron multiplication. The failure of thyratron can shut the entire system.

  1. Spare Pendant

Another of the important replacement parts of linear accelerators are spare pendants. They are used to control the motions on a linear accelerator machine. Control of linear set for a patient is limited if a spare pendant is not working.

  1. Hydraulic Actuator

A hydraulic actuator is a cylindrical or fluid motor which converts hydraulic power into mechanical energy used to do the mechanical work in the LINAC machine. It can produce linear, rotary or oscillatory motions. It has the capability for high outputs of force and can produce high power per unit of weight and volume measurement.

  1. MLC Motor

The multi- leaf collimator motors are known as MLC motor. These replacement parts of linear accelerators are used to accurately target the tumours in a radiation therapy by shaping the particle beams. They form a vital part in maintaining the capability of a LINAC machine to regulate the dosage of radiation for therapy sessions for different cancer patients. Hence, they are readily stocked to prevent the reduction of LINAC machine’s performance.

  1. Long/Lat drive for patient table

One of the most common but important replacement parts of linear accelerators are the devices used for moving/ driving the patient table in and out of the machine along with side-to-side movement during the therapy sessions. If these devices are not working LINAC machines cannot be operated due to the inability to move patient in the desired position to do the radiation therapy.

Medical repair companies offering service contracts on radiation oncology equipment maintain and keep replacement parts of linear accelerators on hand will prevent you from technical issues created by the last-minute equipment failure. If you need further information about the replacement parts of linear accelerators and from where to procure them feel free to contact us.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Elekta Unity, World’s First High-Field MR-Linac, Receives CE Mark

New radiation therapy system will now be implemented clinically in Europe , ushering in a transformation in precision and personalized cancer treatment

STOCKHOLM, June 18, 2018 /CNW/ – Elekta (EKTA-B.ST) earlier today announced (14:15 CET) that its Elekta Unity magnetic resonance radiation therapy (MR/RT) system has received CE mark, clearing the technology for commercial sales and clinical use in Europe.

“Receiving CE mark for Unity is a big achievement in revolutionizing the field of radiation therapy and a real watershed moment for treating cancer,” said Richard Hausmann, President and CEO, Elekta. “The change that MR/RT will bring in cancer therapy is paramount in advancing patient treatment. I’m thankful to the MR-linac Consortium members, Philips (our MR technology partner) and our dedicated employees for helping us reach this important day.”

Unity has the potential to transform how clinicians treat cancer by enabling the delivery of the radiation dose while simultaneously visualizing the tumor and surrounding healthy tissue with high-quality MR images. Unity also integrates advanced tools that allow clinicians to adapt the patient’s treatment to this current anatomical information.

“Unity is a tremendous innovation in patient care, one that enables a scan-plan-treat approach to developing tailored regimens that should yield substantive clinical benefits,” said Bas Raaymakers, PhD, Professor of experimental clinical physics in the Department of Radiotherapy at University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht. UMC Utrecht is a founding member of the Elekta MR-linac Consortium and the inventor of the high-field MR-linac concept. Raaymakers adds: “I am thrilled that our vision of personalized radiation therapy is becoming a clinical reality.”

About Elekta Unity
Unity employs a premium high-field diagnostic-quality (1.5 Tesla) MRI that provides unparalleled image clarity, giving clinicians greater flexibility in their approach to radiation therapy and ensuring that each patient receives optimal care based on individual tumor characteristics. Unity integrates MR imaging, linear accelerator technologies and advanced treatment planning into a single platform, allowing clinicians to see and track difficult-to-visualize soft tissue anatomies while radiation dose is being delivered. For the first time, this new technology addresses an unmet need in cancer therapy, enabling clinicians to confidently see and track the target during treatment and respond accordingly, personalizing therapy for each patient every time they are treated.

Elekta Unity has CE mark but is not available for commercial distribution or sale in the U.S.

About Elekta
Elekta is proud to be the leading innovator of equipment and software used to improve, prolong and save the lives of people with cancer and brain disorders. Our advanced, effective solutions are created in collaboration with customers, and more than 6,000 hospitals worldwide rely on Elekta technology. Our treatment solutions and oncology informatics portfolios are designed to enhance the delivery of radiation therapy, radiosurgery and brachytherapy, and to drive cost efficiency in clinical workflows. Elekta employs 3,600 people around the world. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Elekta is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.

Original Source:

Original Date: June 18 2018

Published By:  PR Newswire

Choosing Replacement Parts For LINACS

LINACS, which is short for linear accelerator, is a very important piece of equipment in the medical world.  Linear accelerators utilize external beam radiation to destroy abnormal cells in the body, preventing the regrowth of tumors and most importantly, treating cancer without harming the healthy cells around it. LINAC technology is a combination of physics and engineering that is vital for saving lives, therefore, any hitches or glitches with the equipment is unacceptable.

Owing to the simple fact that most medical equipment needs regular maintenance to stay running properly and that a new linear accelerator will set you back a few thousands, if not millions of dollars, depending on the city, country of installation, as well as on the upgrades and features of each system, it helps to have around the clock access to a distributor of replacement parts for LINACS.

A linear accelerator contains hundreds of sensitive and sophisticated parts.  If one LINAC part gets damaged, it can easily cause a ripple effect and bring an oncologist’s clinic to a halt for a few good days, especially if they don’t have instant access to a professional maintenance team let alone replacement parts for LINACS. This is why having a linear accelerator part supplier at the touch of a button is important.   While buying a refurbished LINAC system may seem like the best way forward, oncologists can save thousands of dollars and get excellent value on quality replacement parts for LINACS when they buy them from a quality distributor who not only replaces the parts but will also offer regular repair services and solutions.

Cancer patients have to deal with a lot of life-threatening situations during their path to recovery such as infections. They need the reassurance that their doctors are taking every precaution necessary to ensure their safety. Radiation therapy has proven to be a highly effective method of cancer treatment, including relieving symptoms caused by more advanced cancers. Being a highly-targeted treatment that aims accurately at the cancer wherever it is in the body, radiotherapy contributes to about forty percent of all cancer cures and does a great job of alleviating cancer-related symptoms such as pain and in so doing, improves the quality of life for many cancer patients.

A linear accelerator is designed to deliver high does with precision and accuracy through photon beams to destroy cancer cells and diminish their ability to reproduce, which is why any malfunction should be addressed immediately to prevent any mishaps during treatments.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.