Industry News… The Kind That Makes You Feel Good

World-class facility to treat cancer in pets

A new purpose-built radiation oncology facility for dogs and cats has officially opened its doors in Sydney, promising to revolutionise the treatment of cancer in pets.

The groundbreaking facility, built by the Small Animal Specialist Hospital in North Ryde, boasts Australia’s first dedicated Veterinary Linear Accelerator with stereotactic capability.

“We will be able to save and extend the lives of pets across the country as a result of this incredible technology,” the Small Animal Specialist Hospital managing director Dr Justin Wimpole said.

“It has taken many years of design, development and delivery and we are proud to have launched such a much-needed facility for our furry friends.”

The central feature of the facility is the new Elekta Synergy Agility Linear Accelerator which is one of the most technologically advanced cancer treating linear accelerators available. Commonly seen in many human radiation treatment facilities throughout the world, it can provide stereotactic, definitive and palliative radiation treatments all in the one machine.

“The beauty of the machine is that it allows us to treat some cancers of very small areas with minimal effects on surrounding normal tissues—and in a shorter period of time to what was previously the case,” Dr Wimpole said.

“We are able to focus the delivery and strength of the radiation in a very precise and direct manner for our patients. This means we can maximally treat the cancer with minimal damage to the surrounding healthy tissue.”

The good news for pet owners is that the service is covered in part by many pet insurance premiums, Dr Wimpole added.

“Cancer is one of the most common illnesses to affect pets during their life and as pets age it will become more common. Hopefully, we can help to treat as many of them as possible with our groundbreaking technology.”

Original Source:


Maintaining LINAC Systems with OEM Replacement Parts

Any electrical equipment that is repeatedly used will break down due to several reasons such as improper maintenance or lack thereof. They can also malfunction owing to poor electrical connections, overrunning the machine’s capability, having an untrained individual operate the equipment, including not replacing worn out parts when needed.

The Importance Of LINAC Parts

A linear accelerator (LINAC) is a very complex medical device that delivers high-energy X-rays to treat patients with cancer. Each component within a LINAC system is important, and all of them need to continually undergo rigorous, cleaning, testing, and maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Linear accelerators Parts are very costly, and most LINAC owners often consider the option of buying a brand-new unit instead of paying for outrageously high repair parts costs, including maintenance and upkeep fees. Even though all LINAC parts have separate but vital functions, they are linked to each other and therefore, need to work in cohesion. Any breakdown of one of the parts can lead to a ripple effect that may render the whole system useless.

Cooling the LINAC Parts

The linear accelerator works by producing high energy particle beams, thus making the cooling system inclined to overheat. Depending on the model, most LINACs use a water cooling system that provides thermal stability to the system and allows the gantry and drive stand to operate at a constant temperature.

Today there are technologically advanced air-cooled chillers for LINAC cooling systems that are would probably cost more to replace a broken system. There are several independent oncology equipment refurbishing companies that have original equipment manufacturer (OEM) LINAC replacement parts, which even though they are also costly, however, once these LINAC parts are replaced, the system can continue to work like new.

The only concern when using such a complex and volatile piece of equipment is to maximize its uptime and minimizing on the overall total cost of ownership. Having said that, LINAC parts are available through the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) online or through a local dealer. The catch-22 is, do you go the economical way, such as scouring the local neighborhood depot to find the cheapest option that will work anyway, or do you stick with the original manufacturer’s LINAC parts?

Purchasing Replacement Parts

While the LINAC parts you find locally will probably serve you for a while until you can afford an OEM, but when it comes to quality, the materials will not be the same as the original. You can end up with a new replacement LINAC part that does not match up in the case of complicated parts and assemblies.

Maintaining LINAC systems with the original equipment manufacturer replacement parts also guarantee warranty coverage on each piece of equipment and in case the system fails, you can file a warranty claim provided the replacement parts that have been used match the manufacturer specifications. Using OEM LINAC parts also ensures the related components are compatible with the system, they are durable, and most importantly, they are reliable.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


The Average Lifespan of Linear Accelerator Parts

A linear accelerator, often referred to as a LINAC, is a type of particle accelerator that customizes electrons or high energy x-rays to conform to the shape of a tumor to destroy cancer cells while sparing the life of normal surrounding tissue. It has a variety of built-in features that are designed to ensure a patient receives only the prescribed dose as directed by a physician. However, linear accelerators are made up parts components that could age over time. What is the average lifespan of these parts?

Lifespan Of A Linear Accelerator

Two major determinants of the lifespan of a linear accelerator and indeed any equipment, are usage and maintenance. Although it is reasonable to expect a usage of between 5 to 10 years, maintenance of the accelerator will be critical to just how much you enjoy the equipment. Here we look at the parts of a linear accelerator and their average lifespan depending on usage.

Parts such as Magnetron and iView detector last for about two years with high use, and between 4-6 years with low and moderate use. An x-ray tube lasts for about 18 months upon high use, 3 years when the system is moderately used, and above 4 years when the usage is low. An XVI detector lasts for about 5 years upon high usage, about 7 years when used moderately, and over 10 years when the accelerator usage is low. On the other hand, a Thryratron tube can last up to 3 years when the usage is high and 5 years and above upon low to moderate usage of the accelerator.

Age Vs. Usage

Basically, the average lifespan of each linear accelerator part largely depends on the part and amount of usage. Other parts such as the electron gun would need a replacement after one year on high use, while it can last even above 6 years upon low usage. Environmental factors can also affect the ion chamber of a linear accelerator, high humidity can cause a reduced lifespan. While an average ion chamber will only need a replacement after four years, one in an environment with high humidity will need a replacement after a year.

Replacing Aging Parts

Changing aging parts over time is ideal to avoid causing the equipment any damages. Some companies tend to consider the price of the equipment and the costs involved in changing the parts over time. However, this is never a good yardstick to even maximize profits in the long run as a breakdown of significant parts of the system may be disastrous for the equipment.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

First cryomodule for ultrapowerful X-ray laser arrives

Earlier this week, scientists and engineers at the US Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois loaded one of the most advanced superconducting radio-frequency cryomodules ever created onto a truck and sent it heading west.

Today, that cryomodule arrived at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California, where it will become the first of 37 powering a 3-mile-long machine that will revolutionize atomic X-ray imaging. The modules are the product of many years of innovation in accelerator technology, and the first cryomodule Fermilab developed for this project set a world record in energy efficiency.

These modules, when lined up end to end, will make up the bulk of the accelerator that will power a massive upgrade to the capabilities of the Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC, a unique X-ray microscope that will use the brightest X-ray pulses ever made to provide unprecedented details of the atomic world. Fermilab will provide 22 of the cryomodules, with the rest built and tested at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Virginia.

The quality factor achieved in these components is unprecedented for superconducting radio-frequency cryomodules. The higher the quality factor, the lower the cryogenic load, and the more efficiently the cavity imparts energy to the particle beam. Fermilab’s record-setting cryomodule doubled the quality factor compared to the previous state-of-the-art.

“LCLS-II represents an important technological step which demonstrates that we can build more efficient and more powerful accelerators,” says Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer. “This is a major milestone for our accelerator program, for our productive collaboration with SLAC and Jefferson Lab and for the worldwide accelerator community.”

Today’s arrival is merely the first. From now into 2019, the teams at Fermilab and Jefferson Lab will build the remaining cryomodules, including spares, and scrutinize them from top to bottom, sending them to SLAC only after they pass the rigorous review.

“It’s safe to say that this is the most advanced machine of its type,” says Elvin Harms, a Fermilab accelerator physicist working on the project. “This upgrade will boost the power of LCLS, allowing it to deliver X-ray laser beams that are 10,000 times brighter than it can give us right now.”

With short, ultrabright pulses that will arrive up to a million times per second, LCLS-II will further sharpen our view of how nature works at the smallest scales and help advance transformative technologies of the future, including novel electronics, life-saving drugs and innovative energy solutions. Hundreds of scientists use LCLS each year to catch a glimpse of nature’s fundamental processes.

To meet the machine’s standards, each Fermilab-built cryomodule must be tested in nearly identical conditions as in the actual accelerator. Each large metal cylinder—up to 40 feet in length and 4 feet in diameter—contains accelerating cavities through which electrons zip at nearly the speed of light. But the cavities, made of superconducting metal, must be kept at a temperature of 2 Kelvin (minus 456 degrees Fahrenheit).

To achieve this, ultracold liquid helium flows through pipes in the cryomodule, and keeping that temperature steady is part of the testing process.

“The difference between room temperature and a few Kelvin creates a problem, one that manifests as vibrations in the cryomodule,” says Genfa Wu, a Fermilab scientist working on LCLS-II. “And vibrations are bad for linear accelerator operation.”

In initial tests of the prototype cryomodule, scientists found vibration levels that were higher than specification. To diagnose the problem, they used geophones—the same kind of equipment that can detect earthquakes—to rule out external vibration sources. They determined that the cause was inside the cryomodule and made a number of changes, including adjusting the path of the flow of liquid helium. The changes worked, substantially reducing vibration levels to a 10th of what they were originally, and have been successfully applied to subsequent cryomodules.

Fermilab scientists and engineers are also ensuring that unwanted magnetic fields in the cryomodule are kept to a minimum, since excessive magnetic fields reduce the operating efficiency.

“At Fermilab, we are building this machine from head to toe,” Lockyer says. “From nanoengineering the cavity surface to the integration of thousands of complex components, we have come a long way to the successful delivery of LCLS-II’s first cryomodule.”

Fermilab has tested seven cryomodules, plus one built and previously tested at Jefferson Lab, with great success. Each of those, along with the modules yet to be built and tested, will get its own cross-country trip in the months and years to come.

Original Source:

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Fix or Forget It: Should you Repair That LINAC System or Buy New?

LINAC systems, the common name for linear accelerators, are very complicated and intricately built machines. They are formed by joining together several very small different parts, making it a highly fickle machine. Despite their extreme sensitivity, LINACs are very useful and powerful machines. They are a main component of many essential machines, such as the CT scanner.

Much like the CT scanner, linear accelerators can be used in several other machines related to the health industry. They are thus an integral part in fighting cancer with radiation therapy, while also being used in a large amount of research. However, because of their unbalanced structure, they are highly prone to many mechanical faults. Here is a look at the faults they may face and dealing with them.

Problems LINAC Systems Face

Used to hurl very small radiation particles at very high speeds at designated targets, linear accelerators are built by joining numerous small parts. Each part has its own function in the grand scheme of things and is often linked to adjacent parts. This makes the LINAC a very fickle machine since any faulty part can lead to the entire machine going out of order. Hence, the LINAC is an unsustainable machine that can require very intricate maintenance.

Everyone has heard about radiation equipment and how much intricate and complex it is. LINACs are a major component in radiation equipment. Parts for repairing radiation equipment are always very expensive, and this makes repairing LINACs a huge financial hassle, while also being exhausting. Therefore, the debate about whether to install spare parts or to change the machine entirely holds a lot of weight and is something that many professionals in the health industry constantly talk about.

Fix it or forget it?

Often the parts for repairing linear accelerators (LINAC) are so expensive that they come just in short of the actual amount for buying a new LINAC. This makes many people wonder if it is better to just buy a new machine altogether since the other parts of the LINAC might break down soon enough and need to be replaced as well. Although there is no definite answer to this query since it has do a lot with the personal beliefs of people, it is always better to use something to the maximum. Therefore, in our opinion, fixing radiation machines and LINACs is the better option.

Refurbishing/ Repairing

Parts for repairing linear accelerators might be highly expensive, but that is if you buy new parts. Instead, you can opt for the sensible option, which is refurbishing or repairing the broken parts. There are a number of firms in the market that offer refurbishing of parts for radiation equipment. The refurbished parts are often returned very quickly, and this efficient process saves you half the money you would spend on a new part. Therefore, it is best to find a good servicing company for your LINACs.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Advances in radiation therapy offer more effective cancer treatment

 Diagnosis Cancer

Since its inception at the start of the 20th century, radiation therapy has evolved to become one of the most common — and potent— forms of treatment for all types of cancer, with approximately 67 percent of patients receiving it — either alone or in combination with other treatments. Dr. Henry J. Lee, MD, PhD, Director of the Department of Radiation Oncology at NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville and an Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at Columbia University Medical Center, discusses radiation therapy and the latest advances, which have raised the bar for more successful patient outcomes.

Q: What is radiation therapy?

A: Radiation therapy, or radiotherapy, is the use of various forms of radiant waves of energy to safely and effectively treat cancer and other diseases. It can be used to cure cancer, control its growth or relieve painful symptoms. Radiation therapy works by damaging cells; normal cells are able to repair themselves, whereas cancer cells cannot.

Q: How is it different from other forms of cancer treatment?     

A: Radiation therapy complements the other major forms of cancer therapy — such as chemotherapy and surgery. It is similar to surgery, since both target the tumor, but radiation therapy does not require an incision, operation, or anesthesia. It’s also similar to drug therapy in that it usually requires multiple sessions as an outpatient. The difference is that radiation therapy does not travel throughout the body.

Q: When is radiation therapy used?

A: Most times, it is given with a curative intent, such as eliminating the tumor or preventing recurrence, or to reduce the suffering caused by the cancer symptoms.

Q: What are some of the latest advances in radiation therapy?

A: Technology has greatly improved over the last few years, making the dosage and delivery of radiation much more precise. New techniques also allow doctors to better target the radiation to protect healthy cells. This has given radiation an even bigger role in cancer care.  Patients are often surprised with the ease of the radiation therapy experience. In the current era of ‘personalized’ or ‘precision’ medicine, radiation therapy technology is moving beyond simply treating the tumor and toward developing novel ways to harness the cancer-killing powers of an individual’s body.  Radiation therapy is an extremely potent enhancer of the body’s immune response toward killing cancer cells. When used in tandem with other therapies that also enhance the immune response, these new combinations of therapies can dramatically shrink some cancers that were not responsive to older therapies.

Q: Are there different types of radiation therapy?

A: There are different types that work in different ways, but by far the most common form, used for 90 percent of cancer patients, is LINAC (linear accelerator-based) radiation therapy. This works by customizing high energy x-rays to conform to a tumor’s shape and destroy cancer cells while sparing surrounding normal tissue. During a typical 30-minute visit, the experience is similar to getting a CT scan. The patient lies on a table, and the staff prepares them for treatment (no IVs are required). The LINAC silently delivers the treatment, typically over two-to-three minutes. Afterward, the patient leaves feeling much the same as they did when they arrived.

Q: What do you think the future of radiation therapy will hold for patients?

A: Each day, research is finding better, more effective ways to identify biomarkers and gene signatures to develop treatment strategies tailored to the individual patient. The challenge ahead is to make such responses cure more cancers — and through continued research and technological advancements, we’re already seeing results as we combine radiation therapy with the new immunotherapies. After all, radiation therapy is one of the most potent agents known to stimulate the immune system, and thus help the body heal itself from cancer.

State-of-the-art treatments at the Cancer Center at NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence

The Cancer Center is an academic-community partner with the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, one of only three National Cancer Institute Designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers in New York State. This identifies centers where the highest quality of treatment, innovative research, and resources for cancer care are available. The multidisciplinary cancer team is located on-site, with a complete array of services including radiation, medical and surgical oncology, as well as supportive oncology services that address the needs of patients from cancer screening, diagnosis and into survivorship.

Original Source:

Original Author: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital

Published 8:45 a.m. ET Jan. 22, 2018

Finding Linear Accelerator Replacement Parts

Whether you have a Varian, Elekta, Philips, Siemens LINAC, you can always find replacement parts, accessories and various linear accelerator components that met OEM specification to get your radiation device working like new.

A linear accelerator is a medical device used for external beam radiation treatments for patients with cancer through a uniform dose of high-speed electrons and high-energy x-rays that are directed to the affected area of the patients’ tumor to destroy the cancer cells without damaging any healthy tissue.

Importance Of Safety

Patient safety, in this case, is very important and the last thing a radiation oncologist needs is a system malfunction or downtime that will impede a treatment session or cause an overdose of the prescribed treatment volume and dosage.

While modern radiation machines have inbuilt checking systems to provide additional safety and there are measures in place to ensure that the linear accelerator is on point and won’t deliver a higher dose than the radiation oncologist prescribed before the start of every treatment session, through no fault of the radiation oncologist, mechanical mishaps do occur.

Services Offered

Along with the aftercare services, upgrades, and repair parts required to keep a linear accelerator working in top condition, professional LINAC engineers offers the most cost-efficient radiation oncology equipment solutions. They include delivery, installation, acceptance testing, commissioning services, warranty, continuing service, and most importantly, linear accelerator components and accessories that are available in stock for immediate delivery.

In addition to equipment testing, quality assurance assistance and data collection, linear accelerator service providers also offer the following services and linear accelerator components:

  • Inspection of equipment to recommend a suitable level of refurbishment options (cosmetic, minor or major)
  • In-house refurbishing and live testing
  • MLC and table upgrades
  • Conventional and CT simulator installations
  • Shielded testing vault
  • Vault construction and project management
  • Patient positioning laser devices
  • Water chillers
  • Power conditioners
  • Air compressors
  • Equipment rigging
  • Equipment transport and storage
  • Specific patient couch
  • Spare parts kit
  • A set of operational and technical manuals
  • Dual Independent Jaws
  • IEC Scale Readouts and much more
  • Latch accessory mounts

Disposal of Equipment

Oncology clinics can now benefit from replacement parts for some of the top linear accelerator brand names, and the best part of this whole process is that when the life of a linear accelerator comes to an end, there are disposal services that conform to regulatory requirements. The equipment is professionally removed from the clinic using specialized cranes without damaging its structural integrity. The removal specialists ensure that any disposal of radioactive and hazardous materials from the LINAC is carried out through a licensed disposal company.

Upon request, an oncologist can receive an equipment evaluation and appraisal in the event they want to sell their LINAC or replace it with a newer model. Whatever your radiology need is, they can be met in a timely, professional manner at a competitive fee. Do you need any linear accelerator components, replacement parts, accessories, and repair solutions?

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Refurbished Parts are Important in Linear Accelerator Repair

Medical Equipment and Replacement Parts

Linear accelerators are machines that help in the treatment of cancer.  These machines have a multitude of components that keep them running efficiently.  Sometimes, large pieces of equipment including those found within the radiation oncology department need maintenance involving replacement parts.  There are companies devoted to selling, service, and repair new and refurbished LINAK systems and their replacement parts.

Medical facilities can seek out the help of distributors of both OEM and refurbished replacement parts for a variety of manufacturers that produce radiation oncology equipment.  No matter what is needed for your radiation equipment facilities have access to them.  One of the main purposes of using refurbished replacement parts over OEM parts is that they offer amazing quality and allow medical facilities to accomplish repairs and service at a lower cost.

Radiation Oncology Equipment Repair and Maintenance

For many medical facilities the decision between purchasing new or refurbished parts for maintenance and repairs on large scaled equipment has been met with some indecisiveness.   This should however no longer be the case.  Linear accelerator parts and components are met with stringent guidelines throughout the reconditioning process.  Refurbished linear accelerator and CT scanner parts are suited for both maintenance and repair purposes.

Another major benefit outside of the stringent testing that is done on refurbished linear accelerator parts is the cost savings that facilities will find by purchasing them.  When it comes to the cost of refurbished components verse OEM parts, facilities should expect to pay upwards of fifty percent less for reconditioned parts.  Just as refurbished linear accelerators are best for new medical companies or facilities working within a strict budget, so are the refurbished parts and components.  This can be super beneficial in low budget, non-profit, and veteran facilities.

Refurbished equipment and replacement parts are important because of the certain advantages which only they can offer.  There are many reasons that facilities use refurbished parts in the equipment they use.   One of the major reasons is that it helps growing practices. LINAC systems that are refurbished free up resources and reduce costs.  This is helpful in new center set ups, purchasing additional or backup equipment, and installing new treatment rooms to accommodate more patients for treatment.

Managing Costs

Refurbished components are important in managing expenses.  Linear accelerator replacement parts that have been refurbished can help in managing the investment risk of new equipment which can be quite costly.  Thus, in times of financial constraint and tight budgets, refurbished equipment and parts can help you save money while growing your facility.  Refurbished equipment can also serve as backup equipment for larger facilities giving another option over rescheduling patients when equipment needs to be repaired.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.