Servicing Medical Equipment

Medical facilities want top notch equipment with the latest gadgets to assist their patients getting the best treatments and preventative care that they deserve.  Having devices such as linear accelerators saves lives and purchasing them from a good company is fundamental.  Getting devices which meet industry requirements help to ensure that clinical experts are able to operate them successfully and help them to get the information that they need.

Purchasing the right equipment for diagnosis and treatment requires clinical facilities to spend time and money looking.  This machinery has a huge impact on the facility.  Dependable devices save time and money.  This is so true when it comes to linear accelerators and their use in the treatment of cancer.

The technology used in conventional linear accelerators is essentially the same for all linear accelerators. The high energy generation can be achieved either by implementing the “travelling waveguide technology” or by implementing the “standing waveguide technology”. The first approach is simple and reliable while the second features a more stable treatment beam. The generated radiation beam is flattened and shaped using collimation devices to form a beam matching the shape of the tumour.

The wave guide, the filters, and the collimator are mounted on a gantry which rotates around the patient allowing the tumours to be irradiated from multiple directions. There is a linear accelerators patient coach especially designed to allow irradiation of the patient from multiple direction. However choosing a device that is easy to service is important as well. Get something that many companies are capable of fix and keep in running order as this is extremely important.

Medical diagnostic device make sure that everything is running well and it’s important in ensuring that all equipment is working the way that it is meant to. Having functioning medical devices is one of the most essential matters that any medical facility can do as they provide many essential diagnostic tools to medical professionals.

Linear accelerator service techs are responsible for radiotherapy and associated medical equipment health care facilities all over.  This includes supervision of installation, acceptance and responsibility for the maintenance and service of this equipment during its life cycle. The technicians consult with Physicists, Oncologists, Radiologists, Radiation Therapists, Medical Radiation Technologist and Management to determine levels of service and to mitigate downtime.

The tech is involved in equipment acquisition by offering advice on technical and service specifications. This is one of the main reasons that replacement parts for linear accelerators and other radiation oncology equipment are in high demand.   When a piece of radiation equipment breaks down it is crucial to the treatment of patients that it is repaired quickly to avoid downtime in patient care.

There are several applications that linear accelerators offer throughout medical facilities including:

  • Radiation Treatment For Cancerous Tumours

Linear accelerators are mainly known as the machine that is used in radiation therapy to target cancerous tumours.  Linear accelerators accelerate electrons.  When they are speeding up, that is when they would be getting the heavy metal target.

  • LINAC Treatment

This treatment is similar to the laser technique which is used in a wide variety of cosmetic treatments. This ensures that the healthy cells and issues around the area where it is focused are not destroyed as well.

  • MRI

Linear accelerators are also used in MRI tests. In this test, the scanning of the different body parts is conducted in order to find out whether there is any problem with these body parts.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Elekta MR-linac Consortium Brings Founding Members Together With Clinicians From Five New Centers to Highlight Progress

Elekta (EKTA-B.ST) announced today that five leading cancer research centers joined with the seven founding members of the Elekta MR-linac Consortium to share research and discuss clinical trial plans for Elekta’s MR-linac system. The 10th annual consortium meeting was held in Amsterdam at The Netherlands Cancer Institute. The consortium is a global research partnership established in 2012 to help bring MR/RT to the clinic and transform the use of radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer.

The founding members of the Elekta MR-linac Consortium are: University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands (UMCU); The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas; the Institute of Cancer Research, working with its clinical partner The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, England; Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Clinical Cancer Center at Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK and the Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto.

Clinicians and scientists from the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada; Odense University Hospital, Denmark; Tübingen University Hospital, Germany; Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden; and William Beaumont Hospital, United States also participated in this year’s consortium meeting.

Elekta’s MR-linac is the only MR/RT system that integrates a high-field (1.5 Tesla) MR scanner, from MR technology partner Philips, with an advanced linear accelerator and intelligently-designed software. The system is expected to deliver precisely targeted radiation doses while simultaneously capturing highest-quality MR images, which will allow clinicians to visualize tumors and surrounding normal tissue at any time and adapt the treatment accordingly. Elekta introduced the MR-linac technology under the name of Elekta Unity during the ESTRO congress in Vienna, Austria in April 2017.

“The 10th Consortium meeting demonstrated the high collaborative capacity of our consortium across different disciplines and geographies,” said Kevin Brown, Elekta’s Global Vice President of Scientific Research. “We are gratified that the consortium continues to generate data that demonstrates the technical functionality and clinical utility of our MR-linac system and expect that the input from the additional sites will further expand the robust body of evidence supporting MR/RT as a transformative approach to radiation therapy.”

“The development of MR-linac has truly been a global effort, and the participation of clinicians and scientists from five additional cancer centers in this year’s meeting has underscored the value of including insights from a broad array of experts,” said Christopher Schultz, MD, FACR, Medical College of Wisconsin Professor and Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology, at the Froedtert & MCW Cancer Network and Chair of the Elekta MR-linac Consortium. “As MR-linac advances toward the clinic, we will continue to seek input from radiation oncologists, medical physicists and imaging experts around the world. We believe that this broad and inclusive approach is the most effective way to ensure that our vision for MR/RT meets the needs of patients, physicians, and cancer care centers.”

Key discussion points of the Consortium meeting were:

  • Planning pre-clinical and clinical studies to establish the added value of MR/RT in specific tumor types and cancer indications. These include indications commonly treated with radiation therapy as well as cancer types for which radiation therapy is not typically used due to difficulties in discriminating between the tumor and surrounding soft tissue.
  • UMCU highlighted its successful first-in-man treatments on Elekta’s MR-linac system and presented the accuracy results to the group.
  • Updates from consortium centers on their volunteer imaging programs.

“MR-guided radiotherapy has the potential to transform the treatment of cancer by enabling more precise, adaptive tumor targeting, and we are excited about helping to bring this important advancement to patients,” said Michael Milosevic, MD, Director of Research, Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Vice-Chair (Research) Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto. “The Consortium has been very effective at promoting collaborative innovation in MR-guided radiotherapy and we look forward to continuing to move this evolving area of radiation oncology and precision cancer medicine forward.”

“The MR-linac consortium together with the five new centers is an impressive novel network within the radiation oncology community,” said Daniel Zips, MD, Chair, Professor Radiation Oncology at Tübingen University Hospital. “Mastering the new technology towards innovation in radiation therapy requires joint efforts and combined expertise. The Tübingen group is happy to contribute to this endeavor which will bring radiation oncology to the next level.”

The growing body of evidence supporting Elekta’s MR-linac system as the first to truly enable MR/RT will be showcased at the 59thAmerican Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting & Exhibition (July 30 – August 3, Denver) and the upcoming 2017 ASTRO Annual Meeting (September 24-27, San Diego).

Original Source:

Original Date: Aug 3 2017

Original Author: PR Newswire




The Average Life Space of Linear Accelerator Parts

As linear accelerators age errors can creep in, but how long is the average lifespan of a medical linear accelerator given that the machines cost of millions of dollars? While it’s reasonable to expect a good 5 to 10 years of use out of a linear, accelerator maintenance also takes its toll on expenses. Most institutions can expect a single linac (Linear Accelerator) machine to cost somewhere in the range of 300,000 dollars every 2 to 3 years.

Facilities can often squeeze more use out of a machine and ensure errors are resolved by keeping the software up to date and replacing or upgrading linear accelerator parts when needed.

It is essential to choose a reputable company to replace your linac’s aging parts as the wrong equipment can end up harming the machine instead of improving it. Most companies who sell linear accelerators and parts will have service contracts available that offer varying levels of support.

Depending on the size of the facility they may be required to choose between keeping the software up to date, operator manuals, or having staff and physicists trained in the use of the accelerator.

You can reasonably expect a for-profit facility to experience some pressure when using this expensive piece of medical equipment. After all, they will need to treat enough patients over time to pay for it.

One of the biggest concerns for facilities using a linac machine is one of liability for injuries to patients. As a litigious society always goes after the institution which gives the best chance of a payout the facility is usually the one bearing the brunt of the lawsuits.

Their expensive insurance creates the illusion that they have large sums of money available for payouts, and this is why it is in the facilities best interests to reduce errors and improve patient confidence. The best way to do this is to ensure the linac gets serviced regularly, software is kept up to date, and all staff is adequately trained.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Consideration with Linear Accelerators

Radiotherapy works by targeting high-energy gamma rays or electron beams into cancerous cells. These damaged cells are more prone to radiation damage than the normal tissues. Linear accelerators are multi-modality ionizing radiation generators with associated imaging devices that are currently used for delivery of external beam radiotherapy.

Contemporary linear accelerators provide wither 6 MeV photons in the “low energy” range machines or dual/triple photon energy and several electron energies. The following systems are incorporated into the linear accelerators: multi-leaf collimator (MLC) for beam Shaping, capability to deliver intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and a 3D image guidance system (IGRT). They also provide an electronic portal imaging system for imaging treatment beams.

Other additional features may be incorporated into linear accelerators such as: arc-based IMRT delivery, total body irradiation, high dose rate electrons, and more. Despite the high capital cost of purchasing them, their high patient throughout over a long lifespan makes them extremely cost-effective compared with the other treatment options. The operation of linear accelerators should be according to the existing standards and regulations which include: IEC standards, radiation regulations, guidelines for radio therapy room design, and more.

Technical Considerations

The technology used in conventional linear accelerators is essentially the same for all of them. The high energy generation can be achieved either by implementing the “traveling waveguide technology” or by implementing the “standing waveguide technology”. The first approach is simpler and more reliable, while the second approach features a more stable treatment beam. The generated radiation beam is flattened and shaped using collimation devices to form a beam matching the shape of the tumor.

The wave guide, the filters, and the collimator are mounted on a gantry which rotates around the patient which allows the tumor to be irradiated from multiple directions. There is a linear accelerator patient coach specifically designed to allow irradiation of the patient from multiple directions.

Modern linear accelerators are designed to enable intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). This is a dynamic radiotherapy delivery method which enables good control over the three-dimensional dose distribution: the delivered beam instead of being flat, changes the intensity at different points within the beam.

There are different types of linear accelerator IMRT delivery methods:

• Step and Shoot Method: This method consists of delivering a series of different shaped fields formed by the MLC to build up a variable intensity pattern. The irradiation is stopped between each field.

• Dynamic MLC Method: In which the radiation runs constant, while the MLC leaves move across the field at variable speeds.

• Arc Therapy Method: In which the radiation runs continuously and the gantry collimators anc MLC leaves are all moving continuously. The does rate also varies during the delivery. Treatments are delivered in an arc, or sometimes in two arcs. This is probably the best choice for IMRT.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Radiation Oncology Equipment

A variety of radiation oncology equipment tools are used to provide radiation therapy. In radiation therapy high-energy radiation is transmitted with the goal of shrinking tumours thus killing the cancerous cells. There are a number of different types of radiation used to kill cancerous tumour cells including x-ray, gamma ray, and other charged particles. Radiation is emitted from a machine, such as a linear accelerator, that is used on the outside of the body. Occasionally doctors will recommend placing radioactive material directly on the part of the body where the cancer cells are developing.

A number of manufacturers provide radiology equipment as well as a number of independent medical equipment specialists. Many times facilities looking to maximize their budget will look into refurbished machines. There are a number of machines that play a role in delivering radiation to patients including: linear accelerators (LINACS), CT scanners, HDR systems, PET CT scanners, MRI systems, conventional simulators, treatment planning systems, and more.

A linear accelerator is a piece of radiation oncology equipment that is designed to specifically deliver high energy x-rays, charged electrons, that conform to the shape of the tumour and destroy the cancerous cells without damaging nearby healthy tissue. LINACS were built with several security measures in place to monitor and control the dose of radiation that is emitted during each session.

A measurement is prepared ahead of time to calculate the correct dosage of radiation that each particular patient needs. Having this prepared ahead of time helps to ensure that a dose that is higher than what has been prescribed is not given to the patient. More radiation then is absolutely necessary will not increase the chances of the cancer shrinking but will increase the likelihood that damage is done to the surrounding healthy tissue.

Radiation oncologists operate linear accelerators (LINAC) to deliver radiation therapy to patients as their treatment plan states. A detailed treatment plan is prepared by a team of physicians including the radiation oncologist, radiation dosimetrist, and medical physicist. This plan is then reviewed in depth by your personal physician to ensure that the information goes through a number of cross checks before starting the plan.

Cancer is not a disease of convenience. Thankfully developments within the medical industry have allowed for technology to adapt to ever changing treatment plans. Large scaled equipment such as linear accelerators are designed with a number of options that allow it function on a sliding scale. Treatment can be directed at the smallest, most delicate parts of the body to annihilate cancerous cells while leaving the healthy tissue surrounding the area unaffected.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Custom Liquid Cooling Systems from Laird Optimize Particle Accelerators Performance

Laird has developed self-contained liquid cooling systems (LCS) that deliver optimal temperature stabilization for more precise temperature control in particle accelerators like linear accelerators (LINACs) and cyclotron systems. LINACs and cyclotrons increase the kinetic energy of particles for use in a variety of applications, ranging from scientific studies on particle physics to radiation therapy for cancer patients. Temperature control within the linear accelerator and cyclotron systems is critical for operational integrity, performance accuracy and system reliability.

One example of a LINAC system is Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) equipment used for treating cancer. IMRT equipment requires thermal consistency to maintain beam energy and stability. The tungsten target, the waveguide, the acceleration chamber, and the magnets all require thermal management to dissipate heat buildup and maintain temperature stability for optimal operation. Even the cabinet electronics, amplifiers and power supplies, require cooling due to the heat generated during operation. For example, certain components in an IMRT system, such as the process board, require thermal control within about 0.5 degree C.

Cyclotron systems, like Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanners, require cooling of both the cyclotron equipment that generates the radioactive substance and the detector banks in the imaging system. The amplifiers, power supplies, and vacuum chamber also need cooling. To avoid noise in the image due to leakage current, the detectors need to be kept at a constant temperature relative to one another.

Liquid cooling systems recirculate coolant to a predefined set-point temperature, while dissipating the large amount of heat generated in the densely packed electronic environment of IMRT and PET systems. An LCS offers higher efficiency than air-based heat exchangers and provides more rapid cooling, quieter operation, higher reliability, and increased system uptime.

Laird offers three types of liquid cooling systems to meet most any application demands: liquid-to-air configuration; liquid-to-liquid configuration; and compressor-based chiller system. Depending on system requirements, additional features for precise temperature control and variable coolant flow rate, coolants with corrosion inhibitors, and coolant filtration are available. In IMRT and PET systems, temperature control of multiple liquid circuits is often required, as is high operational temperature. Control of multiple pressure, flow, and temperature settings can easily be accommodated in a single system design.

Given the complexity of some IMRT and PET systems, usage of a custom designed LCS with plug-and-play components may be a good solution. For example, quick connect fittings allow easy service and maintenance, such as a bottom drain for removing the coolant by gravity, or a pump that is easy to swap out to simplify ease-of-service. Custom housing configurations for unique environments may also be required. Laird has the knowledge to custom design liquid cooling systems for linear accelerator and cyclotron applications, as well as the experience to support and service them.

“The increasing intricacy of thermal management means that linear accelerator and cyclotron systems often require custom liquid cooling systems. Laird’s experience in the design, manufacturing, and servicing of liquid cooling systems, as well as our expertise in pumps, compressor technology, heat exchangers, and electro-mechanical controls allows IMRT and PET manufacturers to focus on their end product design, while leaving the thermal management issues to the experts,” said Anders Kottenauer, Senior Vice President of Laird’s Engineered Thermal Systems Business.


Original Source:
Original Author: Taylor Meade
Original Date: June 1, 2017

Different Applications of Linear Accelerators within the Medical Industry

Many of us have never heard of a linear accelerator.  Unless you are in the medical field or involved in radiation treatment you might not realize how important this one piece of medical equipment is to the health care industry.   No time is a good time for medical facilities to have a piece of equipment down but especially so in the case of radiation oncology equipment like linear accelerators.

This is one of the main reasons that replacement parts for linear accelerators and other radiation oncology equipment are in high demand.   When a piece of radiation equipment breaks down it is crucial to the treatment of patients that it is repaired quickly to avoid downtime in patient care.  In this installment we will look at the applications of linear accelerators in medical facilities.

  • Radiation Treatment For Cancerous Tumors

Linear accelerators are mainly known as the machine that is used in radiation therapy to target cancerous tumors.  Linear accelerators accelerate electrons.  When they are speeding up, that is when they would be getting the heavy metal target. This is where the x-ray would be generated. Once that radiation is generated, then only it is targeted towards the tumor. This is one of the first methods used in chemotherapy that targets and destroys cancerous tumors.  Without the actual acceleration of the electrons, the radiation which is required for the radiation therapy would not be produced at all. That is why the linear acceleration is always required when it comes to the radiation therapy.

  • LINAC Treatment

This treatment is similar to the laser technique which is used in a wide variety of cosmetic treatments. This ensures that the healthy cells and issues around the area where it is focused are not destroyed as well. This is the reason that this application is used in treatment.  The risk of destroying the healthy tissue is minimized because the radiation is focused in on the tumor.

  • MRI

Linear accelerators are also used in MRI tests. In this test, the scanning of the different body parts is conducted in order to find out whether there is any problem with these body parts. The electrons are accelerated in order to produce the right kind of effect.

These are just some of the applications linear accelerators can be used within the medical industry. We can appreciate why there is such high demand for replacement parts for linear accelerators and other types of radiotherapy equipment knowing how crucial on time treatment and regime is in treatment.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

The Importance of Immediate Service When Radiation Equipment Fails

Repairing radiation equipment, such as linear accelerators and CT scanners, can be a very demanding a job.  Most medical facilities choose to work with a company that is on call to service medical equipment verse hiring a full-time, in house technician.  Working with a company that services medical equipment ensures that if at any point equipment fails a technician is on call and can immediately begin working to get your equipment back up and running.  Radiation equipment is vital to the treatment of so many patients on a daily basis that it is imperative to have it serviced immediately.

Not only is it important to have a company that services medical equipment available at a moment’s notice it is crucial that they have access the parts that will be needed to fix any and all issues.  Replacement parts for linear accelerators and other radiation equipment can be difficult to find without the right resources.  Linear accelerators can break so being able to find accessible replacement parts is needed.  Even better is finding high-quality replacement parts for Linac systems that are readily available.

Few companies are dedicated to stocking the 650,000 different parts that could need to be replaced in radiation equipment.  Establishing a relationship with a company that offers replacement parts for radiation oncology equipment is important when you are a technician that is in charge of performing radiation services or a repairing it.

Radiation equipment, CT scanners, and linear accelerators offer patient magnificent results.  The idea is that they are in proper, working order a hundred percent of the time.  Medical equipment that breaks down during treatment can be an incredibly challenging experience.  This is why it is important for medical facilities to work with a team that provides regular maintenance, immediate service, and has easy access to linear accelerator parts.  This will help to eliminate the amount of down time your facility experiences.

Companies in the industry of selling parts to repair radiation oncology equipment know the importance of delivering the most innovative solutions.  In an industry that immediate results are needed it is important that medical equipment service and repair companies are ready to jump at a moment’s notice when needed.  Results are needed in little to no time.

In the medical industry there are constant challenges to overcome, and in the end, there is a certain appreciation that comes along with getting immediate results to your equipment failures.  What matters most is that you are able to get in touch with a professional to fix your equipment as fast as you can.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Five Reasons to Purchase Refurbished Linear Accelerators

Wondering why you are safe to buy used linear accelerators?


Looking for someone to supply Replacement Parts for Linear Accelerators?

Thanks to the unrelenting spirits of radiation technology experts, linear accelerators continue to maintain their place as among the most sophisticated tools in the treatment of cancer. They produce and deliver radiations with utmost precision, and thus helping a great deal in the fight against one of the dreaded maladies. And, while the best is often perceived as the finest in buying this piece of equipment, it also pays to consider a refurbished linear accelerator.

The decision to buy a new or used linear accelerator machine boils down to your pressing needs and your budget. A second-hand machine is oftentimes recommended when the facility aims at treating fewer than 8-10 patients on a typical day. Additionally, those facilities located in countries with limited budgets also qualify to buy a refurbished one.

A refurbished doesn’t mean that the machine is faulty and ineffective. Instead, it could have been used and its parts replaced, but still in pristine condition. The machine might have been in use at one of the big institutions, and perhaps it’s sold because it has no purpose. So, if you are a budding private veterinarian, a research fellow, a non-medical student or just about anyone looking to buy a low-budget linear accelerator, this post is for you.

Five reasons to invest on a refurbished Linear Accelerator

Hone your skills at your pace

As you work on meeting more challenges at your line of duty, such an affordable tool grants you a chance to hone your expertise. Especially if you are opening your center, expanding or just hoping to up your game, expenses can be the greatest worry. Thankfully, a refurbished linear accelerator will not be a bad idea.

Be a bit more flexible

In the medical world where machines are pretty much essential, being smart enough to have a backup tool often pays big time. When the main one fails, your facility will not stall simply because you have another linear accelerator.

The need to improve

As much as you are spending more in buying a second or third linear accelerator, the same investment might be helping you offer better services in the long run. In the end, the new tool will make your facility a go-to location, perhaps perfect for that much-needed expansion.

Strengthen your tools of work

There’s a certain form of uncertainty surrounding looming reimbursement cuts, and one of the best ways of staying put, despite the turbulence is investing in a second-hand, but still perfect, machine. A refurbished machine such as one linear accelerator strengthens your firm’s usual practices.

Peace of mind

When all’s said and done, peace of mind knows that you have a reliable tool when handling a massive and challenging assignment. And, if the unexpected happen, find a firm that offers the best replacement parts for linear accelerators.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

What Is a Linear Accelerator?

A linear accelerator is a device that uses high Radio-Frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves to accelerate charged particles to high energies in a linear path, inside a tube like structure called the accelerator waveguide. The resonating frequency of the medical linac is about 3 billion Hertz cycles per second. This is the most common device to treat cancer with external beam radiation. Accelerator is basically an apparatus for accelerating charged subatomic particles, used in radiotherapy, and the production of radionuclides.

A pulsed electron beam generated by an electron gun passes through a long, straight vacuum tube containing alternating hollow electrodes. The electrodes are arranged so that, when their high frequency potentials are properly varied, the electrons passing through the tube receive successive increments of energy. The electrons are stopped abruptly by a heavy metal target and directed by a collimator to deliver super voltage X-Rays to the patient receiving radiotherapy.

The linear accelerator (Linac), uses microwave technology to accelerate electrons in a part of the linac called waveguide, then allows these electrons to collide with a heavy metal target. As a result of these collisions, high energy X-Rays (Photons) are produced from the target.

Linear Accelerator Technicians: Performs advanced technical support related to the maintenance and operation of medical linear accelerators. Jobs include preventive maintenance scheduling and responding to down linear accelerator parts and services, Coordinates vendor service and documentation, when necessary. Maintains inventory and orders parts for linear accelerators. Can assist in the design and modification of treatment accessories for physics and other departmental equipment as needed for patient treatment, quality assurance and research support. May require an ASEE or equivalent or Bachelors’ degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or a directly related field. A senior position requires five (5) years of directly related experience maintaining and servicing medical linear accelerators. Specific experience is typically required on Varian Linear Accelerators. Authorized Varian training is highly desirable. Manufactures of these items include Siemens, Philips, Varian, and Elekta. Repair organizations include Acceletronics, Centura, and Altair.

When linear accelerator parts and services breaks down it is imperative that repair services are almost immediate. Downtime in a medical setting can literally be the difference between life and death so having the ability to have direct access to medical equipment repair services should be of the outmost priority. Another detail that is forgotten is the urgency of finding the parts for medical equipment. Without the proper parts to fix down machines technicians are at a stalemate with getting much need equipment like LINACS and CT scanners up and going again.

Having instantaneous access to OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators, Radiotherapy CT Simulators and Radiation Oncology equipment is pertinent.  With newer equipment it is often difficult to find access to replacement parts. Newer medical equipment can be difficult to find replacement parts for simply because of the newness of the piece to the market.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at http://www.radparts.c