AI On the Horizon for Radiologists

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been poised to improve the radiological process for some time, yet despite hundreds of conferences, hype, and promises, AI hasnt made a huge impact yet.

Part of the issue with AIs slow integration for radiologists lies within the application. Algorithms can be applied to specific situations and places, but radiologists need to look beyond these narrow views. True workflow integration is the key to fully utilizing AI.

Though other areas of our lives already rely on AI, radiology has not caught up with the trend. Todays viewing software cannot suggest relevant prior imaging exams based on the current image being studied. Two strategies already exist which can help facilitate the AI process.

Activity Pattern Identification

By recording a radiologists habits, AI can look for clusters of repeated actions to automate. Specifically, viewing particular images and reading aloud numbers on a corresponding screen could be achieved by AI. Or AI could monitor click patterns from radiologists to offer the most appropriate measurement tool. Personal patterns for handling protocols can also be improved by AI, which can shave valuable time and improve radiologists’ mental load.

Information Integration

A large number of radiology algorithms accept images and output a diagnosis or prediction; however, after receiving images, the AI could include extra information with the output which would be of use to the radiologist. With this information at their fingertips, radiologists could make better clinical decisions. For example, if a radiologist is examining a specific body part where surgery had been performed, AI could display the most recent pre-operative images to allow the radiologist to compare the two more easily.

Considered some of the most technologically forward physicians, radiologists should harness the power of AI and tap into the potential capabilities. By using pattern detection and information integration, AI can simplify tasks, clarify figures, and help to boost maximum productivity.

RadParts is the worlds largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 to learn more.


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Particle Accelerators Create Potential Cancer Treatment in Lansing

A Lansing company called Niowave has begun producing actinium-225, a silvery metal isotope that barely exists on Earth, with a superconducting linear accelerator. The reason? This isotope is a promising cancer treatment; however, researchers don’t know its full potential due to the absence of clinical trials.

Niowave has secured a $5 million deal with Fusion Pharmaceuticals to start production in 2024.  Between Russia, the United States, Germany, and Canada, there are only two curies (unit of measurement for radioactive materials) of actinium-225. Niowave plans on making one curie per week.

In 2019, the federal government gave Niowave $15 million, and another $13 million last year, to produce molybdenum 99, which is used for medical imaging. Since other countries subsidize its production, making a profit from molybdenum 99 is tricky.

After working with uranium for years, the federal government determined Niowave could function safely with another highly radioactive element, radium, to create actinium-225.

Cancer therapy isotopes emit beta particles, which can destroy cancer cells but also kill healthy cells around them. Actinium-225 delivers more targeted alpha particles, which can emit more energy at a shorter distance.

Justin Wilson, an associate professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Cornell University said, “If you can get those alpha particles to the cancer cells, they have the capability of doing more damage but in a more confined region. Which, in theory, could prevent hitting healthy cells that maybe aren’t part of the small metastatic lesion.”

Eric Burak, chief technical officer at Fusion Pharmaceuticals, states that they are working on formulating three separate drugs that use actinium-225. He said the isotope is “One of the rarest elements in the entire planet, and, with more companies interested in its therapeutic potential, everyone is scrambling for actinium supply.”

Fusion Pharmaceuticals are investing $5 million to help Niowave create actinium-225 in exchange for a guaranteed share of the end result.

Niowave’s superconducting linear accelerator has been moved to a concrete room as radium is extremely radioactive.


RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 to learn more.


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Novel Cancer Treatment Headed to McLaren Flint

An innovative new technology headed to Flint will be used to treat cancer with proton therapy. The McLaren Proton Therapy Center is the first to receive the new machine that treats patients upright, enabling cancer treatment with more precision.

Leo Cancer Care developed the proton therapy called “Marie,” which will take up less space yet provide more accurate treatments since there will be less organ movement.

The Proton Therapy Center in Flint will receive the first two upright units and be used within the next two years, pending FDA approval. The largest proton center in Michigan, the new machine will allow more patients to be treated.

According to a news release from McLaren, proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy that uses protons to accurately target tumor cells and leave healthy surrounding cells undamaged.

Stephen Towe, CEO of Leo Cancer Care, said, “The goal of Leo Cancer Care and McLaren Proton Therapy Center’s collaboration is to bring proton therapy to more patients, and we know there are clear advantages with proton therapy. The McLaren Proton Therapy Center is well-positioned to become the first to potentially treat patients with the revolutionary Leo Cancer Care technology.”

Construction to add the “Marie” units to the Proton Therapy Center in Flint will start in the spring of 2023 and be fully operational by the fall of 2024.


RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 to learn more.


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Factors Causing Radiologist Shortages

A radiologist shortage is facing the global market due to factors such as increasing demand for imaging studies as well as Covid-19-related reasons. Additionally, an aging population, higher Medicare enrollment, and fewer radiology trainees make the situation even more dire.

Harprit S. Bedi, MD, vice chairman of radiology education at Boston University School of Medicine, said, “The older population requires more imaging.”

The World Health Organization predicts that the percentage of the world’s population over 60 years old will increase to 22 percent by 2050, almost double what it was in 2015. The United States Medicare population has greatly overshadowed the number of radiologists entering the field in recent years.

Aditya Khurana, MD, an incoming radiology resident at the Mayo Clinic, said, “The significant increase in Medicare beneficiaries and relative stagnation in DR providers serving the Medicare population could strain the supply and demand balance in the delivery of imaging services.”

The global Covid-19 pandemic has hugely impacted both trainees and long-serving radiologists, forcing some into early retirement. Around two out of every five physicians are expected to reach retirement age in the next decade, which will worsen the situation even more.

The United States House of Representatives introduced the Resident Physician Shortage Act of 2021 to address physician shortfalls and fortify the number of Medicare-supported residency positions available. The bill could add more than 2,000 positions yearly between 2023 and 2029, totaling 14,000 new jobs.

Anna Rozenshtein, MD, president of the Association of the Program Directors in Radiology, said, “From a training perspective, the way to address a shortage of radiologists would be to increase the number of radiology resident positions. We must fight to expand the pipeline. This legislation, if enacted, would be a big step forward, with a couple of caveats: radiology residencies would need to be prioritized, particularly in the areas of the country experiencing the greatest shortage of radiologists.”

Maria Helena S. Mendonça, MD, assistant professor at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Sāo Paulo in Brazil, said, “Before 2020, we didn’t know if clinicians would be open to remote work or if radiologists would be as productive from home. But Covid-19 exposed what was possible. I believe more trainees will be interested in the wonderful career that is radiology if we demonstrate how rewarding the specialty is. We can motivate ourselves to teach radiology residents and set an example of leadership while continuing to learn from our colleagues, enjoy a life dedicated to study and science, and show compassion and outstanding care to our patients.”


RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 to learn more.


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Viable Alternative for Diagnosing Coronary Artery Disease on the Horizon

According to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) can potentially provide a safer alternative to coronary angiography for assessing patients who suffer from stable chest pain or have undiagnosed Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).

Researchers used a randomized trial to conclude that more than 3,500 patients with stable chest pain in a randomized trial had a lower risk of major procedure-related complications with the use of CT. In contrast, initial cardiac CT and coronary angiography had similar cardiovascular risks.

Marc Dewey, MD, head of the Department of Radiology on Campus Charite Mitte, said, “The trial confirmed that the CT-based examination is safe in patients with stable chest pain and suspected coronary artery disease. Among the patients referred for cardiac catheterization and included in this trial, the risk of major cardiovascular events was found to be similar in both the CT and catheterization groups, occurring in 2.1% and 3.0% of patients, respectively. The incidence of major, procedure-related complications was found to be lower in patients managed with an initial CT strategy.”

The study was conducted between October 3, 2015, to April 12, 2019, by 26 European medical centers and involved 3,667 patients who were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to undergo CT or invasive coronary angiography.

Patients eligible for the study were required to be over 30 years old and referred due to stable chest pain with a high probability of obstructive CAD.

The study’s primary outcome focus was on major adverse cardiovascular events, some of which include cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke. Secondary procedure-related complications that took place either during or within the first 48 hours after CT invasive coronary angiography were also of interest.

A total of 90 major adverse cardiovascular events occurred among the study participants during the follow-up period.

Henryk Dreger, Deputy Head of Charite’s Department of Cardiology and Angiology said, “Now that it has been standardized and quality tested as part of the trial, this method could be made more widely available as part of the routine clinical care of people with intermediate CAD risk.”

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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Using AI for Lung Disease Diagnosis

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally. Five-year survival rates are at roughly 20 percent, according to Those who smoke cigarettes have the highest risk for disease, along with nonsmokers who are exposed to toxins like arsenic, radon, asbestos, radiation, air pollution, and more.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been introduced to help diagnose the presence of lung cancer. Imaging is critical to lung cancer care; with help from AI, lung cancer can potentially be spotted sooner.

A new study combines CT information with clinical data to precisely forecast lung cancer. The AI considers factors such as nodule size, age, years smoked, cancer history, occupational exposure, and more.

More than four million people worldwide die prematurely due to a severe respiratory illness each year. Long-term exposure to dangerous toxins, particles, gases, or harsh temperatures can significantly affect the lungs. Certain occupations are more at risk than others, such as those who work as steelworkers, miners, or with textiles and automobiles.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a life-threatening illness causing emphysema. In clinical settings, emphysema is assessed by patient history, lung function, radiographs, and more. However, these tools are not able to make a diagnosis of mild emphysema. AI radiography is the most effective tool to detect issues that might normally slip under the radar.

A study released in October outlines how AI could match professional radiologists to predict emphysema in patients.

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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Owners Can Now Repair Imaging Devices

A final rule was recently granted by the federal government that allows medical imaging equipment owners to repair their machines without intervention from the maker. This new rule shatters a copyright barrier that was previously in place.

An exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) allows servicers to work around medical device security controls for the purpose of accessing software required to maintain or restore the system. The Copyright Office Registrar recommended the Library of Congress move forward with the change.

The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance represents the original imaging equipment manufacturers and released a statement saying the recommendation to move forward will lead to “unnecessary safety and security risks” for patients.

In a statement, President and CEO of Avante Health Solutions said, “This is significant to healthcare systems looking for affordable options to maintain and repair expensive medical equipment and associated devices. Avante is thrilled, as this ruling builds on the FDA’s recognition of the merits and safety of the services provided by independent service organizations.”

The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) outlined that manufacturers are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and independent technicians are not held to the same standards as they have a lower amount of scrutiny associated with their position.

Moreover, the alliance also voiced concern over whether manufacturers’ intellectual property would be exposed to the public, which would be detrimental to the industry.
“MITA Executive Director Patrick Hope said, “If this recommendation is ultimately accepted and implemented, it would amount to a license for unregulated third-party servicers to hack sensitive technology, creating grievous cybersecurity and patient safety risks. We intend to continue to advocate against this misguided approach.”

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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Molecular Imaging to Expand to $6.18 Billion by 2026

For 2019, the global molecular imaging space was evaluated at $4.199 billion, growing at a CAGR of 5.68 percent, expanding to $6.18 billion by 2026.

X-rays, computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound diagnostic imaging procedures offer photos of physical structure. Molecular imaging gives physicians a window into the body’s function, with an ability to measure it chemically and biologically.

Other imaging technologies are unable to provide information that is attainable with molecular imaging. Biopsies or surgeries could be required to identify disease with other diagnostic tests.

Molecular imaging is a powerful tool for physicians.

It is helpful to achieve the following:

– Manage patient care

– Determine disease severity

– Select proper therapy

– Analyze drug response

– Assess and adapt treatment

– Respond to changes in health

– Evaluate disease progression

– Identify disease resurgence

– Manage ongoing care

The demand in molecular systems is driven by:

– Technological advancements

– Rising prevalence of disorders

– Large aging population

– Government support

– Hybrid modality treatments

North America leads the worldwide molecular imaging market, while the Asian Pacific is the speediest in terms of expansion due to rising healthcare spending.

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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Use of Radiation Consultation Service (RCS) Has Risen During the Pandemic

During the coronavirus pandemic, most radiology practices shuttered or scaled back drastically. One service that stood out from the rest pivoted and focused on Radiology Consultation Service (RCS) to provide consultation and ensure permanence of care.

A recent study published in Clinical Imaging followed investigators from Weill Cornell Medical College at New York Presbyterian Hospital, who clarified how their RCS (launched in 2013) expanded through COVID-19.

Melissa Reichman, M.D., a women’s imaging specialist and assistant professor of radiology at Weill Cornell, led the team. Reichman said, “At a time when radiology experienced an unprecedented decrease in imaging studies during the initial peak of the COVID-19 crisis, the RCS at our institution, in contrast, showed a notable increase in services provided. Our experience demonstrates the value of an organized radiology consultation service and may serve as an example for other institutions to adopt a similar program, as patient-centered care is at the forefront of radiology.”

The number of consultations, as well as screening mammograms and ultrasounds, were compared from January 1, 2020, through July 31, 2020, to the same 2019 timeframe. Two more periods, March 1, 2020, through June 30, 2020, were compared to the same dates from the previous year.

Their findings identified many consultations ranging from 1,398 in 2019 to 1,623 in 2020, a 16 percent increase. Also, consultations were higher from March through June 2020 (679) versus 2019 (538), a 16.9 percent increase.

Results from the study indicate that RCS presents a route for radiologists to be at the forefront of the healthcare process, integrating with patients and providers regarding decisions. To determine the best plan possible for patients, all parties worked together as a team.

The report stated, “Physicians have become more conscientious about their imaging recommendations, relying on the radiologists’ clinical judgment of what is essential and minimizing unnecessary potential viral exposure. As a result, we believe that the radiology consultation service has enabled a more appropriate use of imaging.”
RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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Four Ways Radiology Can Reduce Its Climate Change Impact

Typically, climate change (a.k.a. global warming) is associated with planes, trains, and automobiles using fossil fuels, hazy skies, and radioactive plants pushing clouds into the atmosphere. However, the radiologic industry plays a more significant role than you might imagine, and industry leaders say the time to reduce that impact is now.

Published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology, a team of industry experts, including Geraldine McGinty, M.D., MBA, president of the American College of Radiology (ACR), issued a call-to-action statement.

“Radiology is well-positioned to spearhead climate change action in our practices and the healthcare system at large. Addressing climate change provides an opportunity to improve healthcare delivery and increase value of care using a different problem-solving approach,” said the team.

The Yale University School of Medicine released data that shows 10 percent of the nation’s carbon emissions (and nine percent of harmful non-greenhouse air pollutants) originate from the United States healthcare system.

Radiology is a significant contributor to each hospital’s energy use. In Switzerland, as the team pointed out, their three CT and four MRI scanners accounted for four percent of the hospital’s overall energy use. Being more environmentally conscious isn’t specific to the industry; it’s a patent priority as well. In the United Kingdom, a survey conducted showed that 92 percent of patients also consider sustainable healthcare operations vital.

Substantial energy use: Radiology utilizes an enormous amount of energy. In the span of a year, cumulative consumption from one CT scanner can equate to five four-person households. A single MRI uses nearly as much as 26 four-person residences. If at all possible, opt for ultrasound instead. Not only is it cheaper, but it also uses less radiation and has a lower environmental impact. Moreover, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to shorten MRI protocols can lower energy use. To further reduce the carbon footprint, implementing life cycle analyses can quantify the environmental impact of various modalities.

Standby mode: To reduce the amount of energy used by the imaging machines, use standby mode. Even when idle, they are consuming significant amounts of energy, according to the team. Cooling machines take an equal amount of energy to operate. The team recommends a 24-hour operating cycle, as well as exploring energy-efficient HVAC systems and imaging technique improvements.

Power down: Though leaving the PACS off overnight might be more convenient and efficient for workload management, the team suggests turning the machine off overnight. A hospital in Iceland left its systems on overnight and accumulated 25,040 kilowatts of energy, producing 17.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide. These levels are equivalent to the emissions produced by four passenger cars annually. To decrease costs and improve energy efficiency, powering down can be an easy way to accomplish these goals. Additionally, the team suggested reducing excess packaging in your procedures to drive down the environmental costs in production and disposal.

Opt for clean energy: The team said now is the time to shift from fossil fuels and lean toward renewable energy. As prices are dropping, several facilities are already making progress. For example, Kaiser Permanente has achieved carbon-neutrality, and Gundersen Health System is already net carbon positive.

To make these changes a reality, radiologists need to become activists, according to the team. Lobby local ACR chapters to join national efforts or reach out to specialty societies to further push environmentally sustainable radiology. Publishing carbon footprints can help other medical departments understand the environmental dangers associated with over-utilization.

Radiologists are urged to join the Medical Society Consortium on Climate Health, which includes 29 national medical societies, as suggested by the team.

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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