Targeting Tumors With Less Damage
A new promising proposal regarding radiotherapy dosing in tumors could bring exciting changes to the medical field, specifically the war on cancer in patients.
In a Medical Express article, the author talks about a study that proposes more higher energy particle beams focusing on small spots deep inside the body. The hope of doing so is to target more tumors more precisely, thus making the process of eliminating tumors more precisely. The lead of the study, Professor Dino Jaroszynski, claims that “around half of the population will suffer from cancer at some time in their lives. Of these people, half will be treated using radiotherapy or a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.” The ability to focus on more accurate targeting of cancerous tumors in the body should hopefully pave the way for better results for those with cancer undergoing treatment going forward in the future.
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August 2019 Specials!
Techniques Used in Radiation Therapy
Radiation dose fractionation is radiotherapy delivered in a fractionated form. This type of therapy generally increases the survival of normal tissues and cells over the cancer cells. Normal cells multiply more slowly compared to the rapid increasing cancer cells which allows the healthy cells more time to heal before they replicate.3D Conformal Radiotherapy
New technology has allowed older 2D radiation therapy that previously used rectangular fields based on plain X-ray imaging to be replaced with 3D radiation therapy based on CT imaging. This replacement allows for a more accurate target of the tumor as well as precise location of other normal organ structures for the most efficient beam placement and shielding to occur.Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
Oncologists can create irregular-shaped radiation doses that take shape of the tumor while also having the ability to avoid other organs with IMRT technology. This process is all possible due to two factors which are inverse planning software and also computer controlled intensity modulation of multiple radiation beams during the process.Image-guided Radiotherapy
The possibility to miss a tumor due to organ movement or the variations needed for each patient’s setup it becomes even more important for treatment options to be more precise than ever before. When critical tissue and organs are close to the tumor, a slight positional error could lead to radiation damage to the healthy cells. IRGT is created and utilized to allow detection of these such errors by the information taken through pre-radiotherapy imaging which can be used for corrections.Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT)
Another type of treatment that is possible today due to advances in newer technology is SBRT. This treatment delivers very high separate doses of radiation over only a few treatment fractions to destroy small tumors anywhere in the body of patient. The side effects of this however, tissues that are close in proximity to the tumor is likely to get damaged due to the high radiation dose. Since the amount of normal tissue effected is small in the high does region, toxicity is less. Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment. Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at July Specials Are Ending Soon – Check Them Out Today!
2019 Astro Annual Meeting
New PHASER Linac Continues to Make Improvements To Radiotherapy Treatments
The advancements in LINAC technology are significant. In just the last few decades, the ability to treat cancers effectively without harming additional healthy tissues have grown considerably. Linear accelerators have been transformed into systems that offer different techniques to target cancerous tumors. Intensity-modulated irradiation, as well as particle therapies, have helped to ensure the maximum dose of radiation can be given to the tumor without overexposure to the surrounding healthy tissues. Image-guided radiation LINAC systems allow images to be taken while delivering radiation thus decreasing the amount of uncertainty in the location of the tumors. One of the last hurdles modern technology is working to address is patient movement, however slight, during treatment. In this installment from Physics World, “PHASER linac will translate FLASH radiotherapy to the clinic” we are introduced to technology that looks to address this issue.
Inventory Insider – July 2019
Join us at the 61st AAPM Annual Meeting
Join us at the 61st AAPM Annual Meeting
July 14-17,2019
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, along with our sister company, Acceletronics, is exhibiting
at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine in San Antonio, TX.
Stop by the booth and check out the new TheraView Total Body Imager