Pre-planning Linac Maintenance

Medical linear accelerators have continued to make progress through history since the late 1950’s and pave new ways for curing a variety of different cancers that once were not an option to treat. The design of the equipment combines the use of hardware and software that together gives the advantage of precision and overall success of today’s cancer treatment worldwide. Manufacturing and design continue to evolve and become a better tool for future use in reliability and efficiency but as with all mechanical systems, dysfunction and failures still exist. Having unplanned accelerator downtime and failures can impact a company and its patients very negatively. The scheduled treatments need to be performed at precise times given by the cancer specialists for an effective procedure while fighting against cancer. To avoid these situations from occurring, proper testing and maintenance of the radiology equipment must be done.

Steps During Maintenance

  1. Deliver a daily quality assurance (QA) treatment
  2. Automatically move and examine the log files that are created
  3. Create baselines, then perform daily operating and performance values to statistical process control (SPC) for examination
  4. Investigate if any alarms have been activated
  5. Inform the facility and system service engineers

Trained Professionals

Medical physicists will typically receive basic training of the principals of linear accelerators functionality, but much hands-on experience will be lacking since there is a limited access to linacs that’s are in clinical use but more importantly because these devices can only be adjusted with small set of parameters to maintain. For actual technicians, training for service personnel is generally one of the largest components to a person early on in employment. The process can be lengthy and costly and require unique training from the manufacturer of linear accelerator company.

Scheduled Maintenance and Repairs

Typically, Linac machines will be under an annual service contract that will provide scheduled, preventative maintenance throughout the year to keep the radiotherapy machines running optimally. Keep in mind, older equipment may reach their “end of life” period and may no longer be supported or even worse parts can become sparse or unavailable which may be a reason to start to look for replacement linear accelerators. Extending the life of your current systems with upgrades will be the most cost-effective option for your business. By repairing or upgrading the system this will also not only save money but save precious down time that will need to be taken if having to remove and install new equipment is needed. Not having a machine functioning will mean no treatments being performed which could cost you losing valuable patients.


Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Techniques Used in Radiation Therapy

The leading cause of death globally remains to be cancer. The word cancer is often used when a person describes how a loved family or friend dies. The first cancer treatments appreciated were introduced in 1895 after the discovery of Xrays. Cancer treatment has continued to progress at an increasing rate each year with new technology and growth in knowledge on the subject. There are many treatment options to be considered such as radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy. Radiation therapy continues to be one of the most important components of treatments available since it’s estimated 50% of all cancer patients receive radiation therapy during their sickness. The reason for such a high amount of uses for this type of treatment is the efficiency to target the cancer cells with beams of radiation produced by radiation equipment called a linear accelerator or LINAC. The high energy x ray beams destroy the cancer cells while preventing radiation damage from the healthy cells. Radiation therapy can be delivered in two different ways, the first is through External beam radiation. This type is the most common and is used from the outside of a patient’s body by aiming the radiation beams at the location of tumor. The second type of delivery is Internal radiation or also called brachytherapy. Internal radiation is done through the inside of the body by radioactive sources such as catheters or seeds directly into the tumor.


Radiation dose fractionation is radiotherapy delivered in a fractionated form. This type of therapy generally increases the survival of normal tissues and cells over the cancer cells. Normal cells multiply more slowly compared to the rapid increasing cancer cells which allows the healthy cells more time to heal before they replicate.

3D Conformal Radiotherapy

New technology has allowed older 2D radiation therapy that previously used rectangular fields based on plain X-ray imaging to be replaced with 3D radiation therapy based on CT imaging. This replacement allows for a more accurate target of the tumor as well as precise location of other normal organ structures for the most efficient beam placement and shielding to occur.

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

Oncologists can create irregular-shaped radiation doses that take shape of the tumor while also having the ability to avoid other organs with IMRT technology. This process is all possible due to two factors which are inverse planning software and also computer controlled intensity modulation of multiple radiation beams during the process.

Image-guided Radiotherapy

The possibility to miss a tumor due to organ movement or the variations needed for each patient’s setup it becomes even more important for treatment options to be more precise than ever before. When critical tissue and organs are close to the tumor, a slight positional error could lead to radiation damage to the healthy cells. IRGT is created and utilized to allow detection of these such errors by the information taken through pre-radiotherapy imaging which can be used for corrections.

Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT)

Another type of treatment that is possible today due to advances in newer technology is SBRT. This treatment delivers very high separate doses of radiation over only a few treatment fractions to destroy small tumors anywhere in the body of patient. The side effects of this however, tissues that are close in proximity to the tumor is likely to get damaged due to the high radiation dose. Since the amount of normal tissue effected is small in the high does region, toxicity is less. Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Choosing Radparts For Your Linac Needs

Radparts is a unique supplier of OEM replacement parts for linear accelerators and CT scanners.  We partner with Acceletronics who offers a number of services surrounding LINACS including sales of new and refurbished radiation equipment, the servicing of radiation equipment, and a variety of services including relocation and removal of linear accelerators.  This arrangement allows us to provide services that other companies cannot. Selling new and refurbished medical equipment can be quiet a challenge.  This is true of CT scanners, linear accelerators, MRI systems, and other higher valued medical equipment.  Medical facilities face a great deal of challenges of their own with making large scaled equipment such as financing, regulations, time issues, delays, and a million other obstacles that can cause delays.  When working with the team at Acceletronics and Radparts we help to create a process that is practically seamless for our clients.  This allows you to focus on growing their business and creating an environment to offer the most complete and comprehensive patient care program for patients undergoing radiation therapy.

Why We Are Better Than the Rest

  • Short-Terms Solutions – Sometimes facilities need a little more time to prepare for the installation and delivery of their new or refurbished linear accelerator.  When our clients find themselves in need of a temporary solution to ensure their patients needs are met, we have them covered.  Our sister company, Acceletronics, has pre-owned equipment that can be purchased to buy some time. These systems can then be utilized as a back up at a later date or resold.  This is often a more affordable solution than renting a mobile unit.
  • Financing – New facilities and healthcare centers do not often have a lot of capital to buy and operate new medical equipment.  We offer financing options as well as less expensive refurbished equipment that can be used to provide quality care to patients until facilities are more established.
  • Contracts for Service – We offer a number of contracts for servicing equipment. The major benefit is the team effort between Acceletronics and Radparts which ensures the parts that are needed to service your equipment are available and ready when needed.  Here at Radparts we specialize in parts for repairing all linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  We are the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for LINAC. With over 65,000 parts in stock and 3,200 individual line items – we are almost guaranteed to have what is needed to service or repair your equipment in a timely fashion.
Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Installment One – The Process Of Treating Cancer Using Radiation

What is radiation therapy anyway?

Radiation therapy is one of the most common ways to treat cancer.  Depending on the type and nature of cancer being treated will depend on what method radiation is delivered to your tumor.  Most commonly, a linear accelerator is used to deliver external beam therapy.  LINAC machines deliver radiation directly to your tumor, externally.

How does radiation therapy work?

When radiation is delivered using a linear accelerator it is delivered to both cancerous cells and healthy cells. Radiation affects cancerous cells more than healthy cells.  The highest possible dose of radiation is delivered to kill off the cancerous cells.  Smaller doses can be delivered when the aim of treatment is to reduce the size of the cancerous tumor and relieve the symptoms.

Who plans and delivers your treatment?

Cancer oncologists will create a plan of treatment for patients.  When the treatment that is planned requires radiation, a radiation oncologist will oversee the treatment and delivery of radiation.  A team of cancer experts including nurses, specialists, counselors, dieticians, and assistants will help guide you throughout your treatment.

How is your treatment planned?

All cancer treatments are designed with the patient, the type of, and size of cancer.  Radiation therapy is no different.  Before radiation treatment is given patients will visit the facility to go over the plan of treatment that has been designed specifically for them.  Radiation oncologists and radiation therapists will develop a plan based on x-rays and scans from simulators.  Marks are then placed in strategic locations to pin point the areas to be treated.  These marks will be placed each and every visit as the cancerous tumor changes.  For cancers that are in the head, a guidance mask is created from a mold of the patients heads and is used to stabilize and pin point treatment due to the sensitivity of the area.

Does radiation therapy require hospitalization?

Radiation therapy is most often done on an outpatient basis however in some situations your radiation oncologist may recommend that you be admitted if they think it would enhance the success of your treatment.  This is rare and usually does not occur as long as you are able to travel to and from the hospital for treatment.

What tests are performed in conjunction with radiation therapy?

Over the course of radiation treatment your oncologist will want to perform a number of follow up scans and x-rays to make sure the cancer is reacting to the radiation as expected.  Occasionally additional lab work is required and is considered normal and nothing to worry about.

In our next installment on radiation therapy we will look deeper into what you can and cannot do during treatment and ways to combat side effects and more.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at



The Lifespan of a Linear Accelerator Parts

A linear accelerator has a wide range of built-ins that are designed to ensure patients are only given the recommended dose of radiation.  The dosage recommended by the physician should never be ignored or changed as each treatment dosage is unique to each patient.  Linear accelerators are comprised of several parts and mechanisms that age over time.  This article will go over what facilities can expect when it comes to the average lifespan of the parts on LINAC systems, CT scanners, and other radiation oncology devices.

The Lifespan of Linear Accelerator Parts

The lifespan of linear accelerator equipment comes down to two major elements: usage and maintenance.  On average medical facilities can expect that large scaled radiation equipment, such as linear accelerators, to last around 5 to 10 years before they begin to break down.  Regular maintenance of your LINAC system keeps it running smoother, longer.

Examples of medical equipment lifespans are:

  • High use parts like Magnetron and iView detectors can last upwards of two to three years and with average use around four to six years.
  • X-ray tubes with high use last about eighteen months however with low usage can last if four years.
  • XVI detectors can last up to ten years within linear accelerators that have low usage whereas with high usage XVI parts last around five years.
  • Thyratron tubes have a lifespan of anywhere between three to five years.

Age and Usage of LINAC Parts

The average life expectancy of most linear accelerator parts depends on the legitimacy of the parts and the amount they are used. There are some parts that need to be replaced yearly with increased use, like the electron gun, however with low usage can last upwards of six years.

Environmental factors cannot be ruled out as it also affects the ion chamber of a linear accelerator, high humidity can cause a reduced lifespan. While an average ion chamber will only need a replacement after four years, one in an environment with high humidity will need a replacement after a year.

When to Replace Aging Parts

Replacing aging parts over time is necessary to avoid causing any damages to the equipment. Some corporation has a habit of considering the price of the equipment and the costs involved in changing the parts over time, and as such delayed the immediate replacement of an overdue or overused equipment. But, this is never a good yardstick of profit maximization, in the long run definitely, a breakdown of significant parts of the system may be disastrous to the equipment.

As a Linear Accelerator stays over time and ages, errors can creep in and this will have an adverse effect on the accuracy of the equipment.  It is reasonable to expect a good 5 to 10 years of use out of the linear accelerator, but the maintenance also takes its toll on expenses if it stays much longer.

Companies can often get more usage out of a machine and ensure errors are resolved or controlled just by keeping the software up to date and replacing or upgrading linear accelerator parts as at when needed.  Most importantly it is advisable to choose a reputable company to replace your LINAC’s aging parts as the wrong equipment can end up creating more damage to the machine instead of improving its performance. Most companies who sell linear accelerators and parts will have service contracts available that offer varying levels of support.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

Preventive Maintenance Increases the Lifespan of LINAC Systems

LINAC systems are just one of the methods that facilities use to administer radiotherapy to patients with cancer. The high cost of this technology necessitates that preventive maintenance be routinely undertaken to extend the life span of linear accelerator parts and other radiation oncology equipment. Linear accelerator parts should be serviced to ensure high quality service delivery to patients. This will go a long way in helping cancer patients to access quality treatment.

The main parts of LINAC systems consist of linear accelerator wave guide and the beam defining system. Other parts include: handle control, couch with controls, touch guard and wall panel to hide stand. Being that it is electrical equipment and it’s in continuous use, the systems will breakdown if not cared for properly which will lead to system breakdown. Therefore, preventive maintenance should be regularly done to ensure that the system works effectively and efficiently. A complex system such as linear accelerators and ct scanners depends on electrical connections, once there is poor connection the machine will malfunction. All parts work in cohesion and if one of them is faulty it will affect other parts.

Linear accelerator parts are expensive and the cost of purchasing a new one is prohibitive.  Proper preventive maintenance should be carried out from time to time. Most LINAC systems use water cooling because a constant temperature need to be maintained to ensure harmonious operation.  However, there is advanced air-cooled chillers for LINAC cooling. This cooling system is expensive but once it is replaced the system works as if it is a new one.

LINAC parts can be procured from the original equipment manufacturer or through local dealers. There are many advantages to buying parts through companies that offer several parts (and services) instead of a more expensive OEM dealer.  Often these companies offer less expensive, refurbished options and OEM parts with warranties.  If the parts should malfunction within the period of coverage of warranty, they can help.  However, one important decision one must make is that whether one should buy refurbished parts or new OEM parts. Refurbished parts are suitable for repairs and maintenance and the cost is lower than buying new ones. This decision is often mostly decided because of your budget however, just know that refurbished parts are just as reliable and as effective so either way you are getting quality parts.

A lot of factors need to be considered when servicing or maintaining LINAC system. One of such considerations is the response time of maintenance company versus original equipment manufacturer. The response time of maintenance companies tend to be quicker than that of the original manufacturer. Therefore, procuring the service of maintenance company will shorten the downtime of the medical equipment. Associated with this is the high level of expertise of engineers working with servicing and maintenance companies.

In most cases, these engineers were trained by original equipment manufacturers hence, the quality of service delivery. Another advantage of servicing and maintenance of linear accelerator parts is that servicing companies have favorable and flexible contract agreement, and this ensure that servicing of equipment is done comprehensively with minimal costs. This contract agreement includes periodical preventive maintenance without extra costs. Routine service and maintenance of LINAC parts are necessary for optimal functioning of the system and it greatly reduces the amount of downtime of the equipment and elongate its lifespan.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Choosing Replacement Parts For LINACS

LINACS, which is short for linear accelerator, is a very important piece of equipment in the medical world.  Linear accelerators utilize external beam radiation to destroy abnormal cells in the body, preventing the regrowth of tumors and most importantly, treating cancer without harming the healthy cells around it. LINAC technology is a combination of physics and engineering that is vital for saving lives, therefore, any hitches or glitches with the equipment is unacceptable.

Owing to the simple fact that most medical equipment needs regular maintenance to stay running properly and that a new linear accelerator will set you back a few thousands, if not millions of dollars, depending on the city, country of installation, as well as on the upgrades and features of each system, it helps to have around the clock access to a distributor of replacement parts for LINACS.

A linear accelerator contains hundreds of sensitive and sophisticated parts.  If one LINAC part gets damaged, it can easily cause a ripple effect and bring an oncologist’s clinic to a halt for a few good days, especially if they don’t have instant access to a professional maintenance team let alone replacement parts for LINACS. This is why having a linear accelerator part supplier at the touch of a button is important.   While buying a refurbished LINAC system may seem like the best way forward, oncologists can save thousands of dollars and get excellent value on quality replacement parts for LINACS when they buy them from a quality distributor who not only replaces the parts but will also offer regular repair services and solutions.

Cancer patients have to deal with a lot of life-threatening situations during their path to recovery such as infections. They need the reassurance that their doctors are taking every precaution necessary to ensure their safety. Radiation therapy has proven to be a highly effective method of cancer treatment, including relieving symptoms caused by more advanced cancers. Being a highly-targeted treatment that aims accurately at the cancer wherever it is in the body, radiotherapy contributes to about forty percent of all cancer cures and does a great job of alleviating cancer-related symptoms such as pain and in so doing, improves the quality of life for many cancer patients.

A linear accelerator is designed to deliver high does with precision and accuracy through photon beams to destroy cancer cells and diminish their ability to reproduce, which is why any malfunction should be addressed immediately to prevent any mishaps during treatments.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Analyzing Linear Accelerators and Their Major Components

Linear accelerators are widely used for the treatment of cancer using high radio-frequency electromagnetic waves to speed up electrons to increased energy in a linear path inside of an accelerator waveguide.  The frequency is medical LINACs is around 3 billion Hertz.  As the most common form of external beam radiation treatment after a cancer diagnosis it is crucial for end users to have a basic understanding of what a LINAC is.  As well as how the major components within LINAC systems work in conjunction with one another to produce radiation treatment.

Consider how a microwave oven works.  This is in the most basic sense how a linear accelerator operates.  A LINAC uses microwave technology to accelerate charged particles within a waveguide, tube like structure.  These electrons then strike a metal target producing photons. It is these photons that are focused on the cancerous tumor.  This radiation is delivered in the shape of the tumor to avoid contact with healthy tissues with the use of a variety of positioning devices.   Now that we have a general understanding of the linear accelerator lets take a look into the major components that allow LINAC systems to operate as we know them to as of today.

Drive Stand:

A drive stand is a rather large cabinet, usually rectangular in shape, that secures the LINAC machine to the floor of the treatment room that houses the gantry.


The gantry is a moveable frame of the LINAC that is located in the drive stand and rotates on a horizontal axis.  It helps direct the photon beams directly into the patient’s tumor.  The gantry rotates 360 degrees on its axis.  There are three components that are found within the gantry: the electron gun, accelerator structure, and treatment head.


The klystron is a major component that is located within the drive stand that delivers the microwave energy that is used to accelerate the electrons through amplified RF electromagnetic waves.

Accelerator Guide:

The energy from the klystron moves to the accelerator structure to speed up electrons.

Treatment Head:

The treatment head of a LINAC encases the components that shape the radiation to the specific size of the cancerous tumor.  This can include: bending magnets, primary collimator, beam flattening filter, wedges, blocks, and compensators.

Cooling System:

The water cooling system in a linear accelerator is located within the drive stand and gantry to regulate the temperature in the space.

In our next installment we will look in greater detail to the treatment head of a LINAC system and the variety of components housed within that help shape radiation beams into the shape of different cancerous tumors.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support

Advantages of Purchasing Refurbished Radiation Oncology Equipment

Purchasing refurbished medical equipment is never a bad idea. Despite the allure of buying new radiation oncology equipment, purchasing a refurbished linear accelerator for your practice might be a better choice. There is a lot to consider when you’re getting ready to purchase radiation oncology equipment for your practice like space, budget, and personnel impacts.  Before you purchase all-new equipment consider just a few of the advantages of buying refurbished medical equipment below:

  1. Costs

The biggest advantage when buying refurbished linear accelerator equipment is the cost. Buying new can really blow your entire budget, but used ones can actually make your budget stretch more, allowing you to do other things for your practice. By going for the cheaper option, you still get a quality piece of equipment at a fraction of the cost of what you would pay for a new model.


  1. Buy More Equipment

If you’d like to offer more services to your patients, you can easily buy two or more pieces of radiation oncology equipment for your practice instead of just buying one new linear accelerator. This allows you to treat more patients for the price of what you would have spent if you only bought one machine. This way your practice can offer more appointments, getting more patients on the books and increasing your ROI.


  1. Use That Money Elsewhere

For the price you’ll buy for a refurbished linear accelerator, you can use that extra money to do other things that will benefit your practice. You can use that money to redesign the patient waiting room area or hire more staff for better customer service. If buying a used machine is just as good as a new one and will get the job done, why not use that extra money for good somewhere else? This way you’ll be able to grow your practice and expand its success.


  1. New Equipment For Half The Price

Refurbished pieces have been fixed by professionals to function like new, so you’ll get a practically brand-new linear accelerator affordably! Every refurbished piece is seen by a skilled medical technician before getting discharged back into service, so everything that needed fixing was fixed and you get something practically new without the new price tag.

As with any piece of medical equipment new or refurbished, there are times when equipment fails or needs maintenance.  For these instances there are professionals offering service and parts to repair and maintain linear accelerators.  Companies such as Radparts offer a huge selection of linear accelerator parts and innovative replacement and repair solutions that in many cases can save you up to 50% or more on your linear accelerator parts costs.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Discover Why You Need Scheduled Repairs to LINAC Systems Prevent Unnecessary Downtime

To ensure that medical equipment such as LINAC systems and CT Scanners are fully functional and effective at all times, while preventing unnecessary downtime, scheduled maintenance is recommended.  Scheduled repairs allow for treatment to be scheduled around replacing worn parts and preventative maintenance.  Medical equipment of all varieties, including linear accelerators, is costly and expensive to replace.  Facilities should not wait until they are damaged or dysfunctional to create a plan of action.  There is a significance cost savings in scheduled repairs and pre-planning for replacement.

What Is Scheduled Maintenance?

Scheduled maintenance is the planned component of repair or replacement that is also referred to as preventative maintenance whereby the system is thoroughly inspected to ensure that all parts are functioning properly.  Linear accelerator parts are replaced that are known to wear out when historically known to wear out.

Why Are Scheduled Repairs to LINAC Systems Important?

LINAC systems are incredibly sensitive in terms of handling and maintenance.  They need to be kept functional and unnecessary downtime needs to be avoided especially because on-time treatment is imperative.  If maintenance is not completed and needed maintenance is avoided damage to some key parts of the LINACS or alter the value of your equipment.  Linear accelerators and radiation oncology equipment that is being used in hospitals need to be kept in perfect working order for them to deliver accurate and timely results that guide doctors in the treatment of their patients.

Where to Find Linear Accelerator Parts

A LINAC system is prone to faults, as is all medical equipment, and may require occasional repairs.  To ensure that the system stays functional and is effective, you need to find a service company that offers genuine and functional linear accelerator parts and repair services. Working with a company that has a record of offering professional repair services, when they are needed with access to LINAC parts is crucial.  Working with highly skilled engineers guarantees you of a highly effective LINAC system.

What’s the Cost for Scheduled LINAC Systems Repairs?

The cost of scheduled linear accelerators repairs will depend on the company that you hire to perform service.  Look for a LINAC service company that goes out of their way to ensure timely service, repairs, monitoring, and replacement parts for reasonable.  Seek a company with a proven track record that you can rely on.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.