Proper Maintenance Keeps Medical Systems Running Smoothly

The manufacturer of all medical equipment routinely establishes a regular maintenance schedule that customers need to be able to accomplish in order to ensure that their system is running properly. These maintenance requirements ensure tests are run to ensure that certain linear accelerator parts are all functioning well. The same is true for oncology equipment parts.


Importance of doing regular proper maintenance


When the equipment you are operating is designed for diagnosing a wide range of serious injuries, illnesses, and diseases it is extremely important that they are working optimally at all times. To be sure that all of your machines are properly maintained you should read all of the documentation that comes with each machine and pays close attention to any section that lists regular or scheduled maintenance.


8 Steps Involved in Quality Preventative Maintenance Plans on Medical Equipment

#1 Get the key people in your organization on board with the plan

– In order for any maintenance plan to work you need to be sure that you have all of your people on board with your plan.


#2 Discuss your goals for the plan

Be sure to discuss all of your goals for the program with everyone to be sure everyone understands them.

#3 Do an initial inventory of all the equipment needing to be maintained

You should a complete inventory of all of the equipment that will be part of your plan.


#4 Make decisions on the plan you wanting to follow

Make final decisions on how the plan will be carried out.

#5 Read through all of the equipment manuals

It is important to know as much about the machinery as you possibly can before you get started.


#6 Schedule long-term maintenance plan

Set up a long-term maintenance plan that covers all of the vital systems of the equipment.


#7 Schedule short-term maintenance plan

Set up a short-term plan that covers a more basic look over of the system.


#8 Train your people

Before you set your plans in motion you want to be sure that all of your people are all on the same page and ready to carry out the mission.


For some medical facilities this type of maintenance on each piece of equipment requires a special department within the organization.  For others it is more cost effective to outsource medical equipment maintenance and repairs to a company that specializes in the repair of medical equipment and parts needed for complex repairs on large scaled equipment such as linear accelerators, CT scanners, and a variety of radiation oncology equipment.


Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


When Is It Time to Replace Your LINAC System Instead of Repairing It?

It is a known fact that linear accelerators, LINAC systems are expensive. Not only is the piece of equipment on a whole costly but also buying the replacement parts for linear accelerators can be quite costly, especially if it is a rush order. Hence, regular maintenance and care must be ensured to enhance its lifespan.

The importance of a LINAC system for a healthcare facility provider that offers cancer treatment is known to one and all. This intelligent system is designed to treat cancerous cells and kill them as part of cancer treatment. Therefore, it is considered to be a vital aspect in the treatment of different type of cancers.

Health experts know that the radiation that emits out of LINAC and other such devices also pose certain health hazards. However, linear accelerators boast of advanced safety measures; hence, these machines are programmed to provide only the required dosage that is required keeping in consideration the condition of the patient.

The problem with LINACS, like other systems, they can start to falter over time. Regular use can lead to damages in different parts of the machine, as a result, it may start showing deteriorate signs or stop working completely. A tough decision to make here is whether to get it repaired or if the equipment needs to be replaced.

The key is to know when to fix or when to replace. When equipment starts to falter on a regular basis, it may be time to look into finding a refurbished LINAC system.  However, a system that is just experiencing normal wear and tear should be repaired using linear accelerator replacement parts.

You should consider the replacement option in case a part of the system has faltered or stopped working when it starts to occur on a regular basis. However, in a situation where a single part of the system stops, or something occurs that is normal it is a better option to repair the equipment.  These large pieces of medical equipment are meant to withstand time so in many cases repair is the best options.

It really comes down to a number of factors such as downtime from the present equipment. If you are continually experiencing equipment failure that leads to cancelled treatments then you may have to analyze the cost between patient care, cancelled appointments, repair expenses, replacement parts, vs the cost of new equipment.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Service Contracts, Procuring Parts, and Timely Repairs

LINAC service contracts are used in hospitals and clinics on medical equipment and machines that are used in the process of treating cancer patients with radiation therapy.  LINAC service contracts are agreements between companies that state services will be performed on medical equipment as necessary for a specific time.

Linear accelerators are available in many medical facilities to be used in the treatment of cancer.  This machine allows radiation to conform to the size and shapes of tumors in patients with cancer.  This treatment is targeted to the cancerous tumors without affecting healthy tissues that are nearby.  Radiation oncology equipment is crucial to treatment.  This leads most hospitals and facilities to require regular service and maintenance on medical equipment throughout the radiation department.

Many companies servicing LINAC machines have replacement parts in stock and quick access to regularly needed replacement parts; this ensures that important equipment is serviced and repaired in a timely manner to avoid lengthy downtime.  The top five replacement parts kept on hand for linear accelerators maintenance and repair include:

  1. Thyratron

It is used as a high power electrical switch and as a controlled rectifier. It is a gas filled tube and it has the capacity to maintain much greater currents than similar hard-vacuum tubes. IT works according to the phenomenon known Townsend in which the gas becomes ionized on electron multiplication. The failure of thyratron can shut the entire system.

  1. Spare Pendant

Another of the important replacement parts of linear accelerators are spare pendants. They are used to control the motions on a linear accelerator machine. Control of linear set for a patient is limited if a spare pendant is not working.

  1. Hydraulic Actuator

A hydraulic actuator is a cylindrical or fluid motor which converts hydraulic power into mechanical energy used to do the mechanical work in the LINAC machine. It can produce linear, rotary or oscillatory motions. It has the capability for high outputs of force and can produce high power per unit of weight and volume measurement.

  1. MLC Motor

The multi- leaf collimator motors are known as MLC motor. These replacement parts of linear accelerators are used to accurately target the tumours in a radiation therapy by shaping the particle beams. They form a vital part in maintaining the capability of a LINAC machine to regulate the dosage of radiation for therapy sessions for different cancer patients. Hence, they are readily stocked to prevent the reduction of LINAC machine’s performance.

  1. Long/Lat drive for patient table

One of the most common but important replacement parts of linear accelerators are the devices used for moving/ driving the patient table in and out of the machine along with side-to-side movement during the therapy sessions. If these devices are not working LINAC machines cannot be operated due to the inability to move patient in the desired position to do the radiation therapy.

Medical repair companies offering service contracts on radiation oncology equipment maintain and keep replacement parts of linear accelerators on hand will prevent you from technical issues created by the last-minute equipment failure. If you need further information about the replacement parts of linear accelerators and from where to procure them feel free to contact us.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


The Importance of On-Time Medical Equipment Repair

When you have a business in the medical field, you need to make sure that your equipment is running smoothly. When something breaks, you need to call a repair person quick or else you’ll have to reschedule appointments, which can hurt your bottom line. When your equipment needs new linear accelerator parts, you need a trustworthy repair company that will come out and fix it so that you can go back to running your healthcare clinic.

When you hire the right company, you want to make sure that they come out when they say they will because if they are late or not following the schedule, you’re not only losing money, patient care suffers. Your medical equipment is what makes your practice or clinic money and is imperative for seeing patients. When it’s broken, you need it up and running fast! You have no time to waste because broken medical equipment can take a while to repair, especially if you need to order special linear accelerator parts.

Finding a reliable medical equipment repair company is so important, you might want to look into having some back up refurbished linear accelerators just in case anything happens. This way, you’ll be able to still see patients while your other equipment is being fixed. You won’t have to shut down for the day or reschedule your patients since the refurbished linear accelerators in your office will work just as good as your primary ones.

Refurbished linear accelerators are merely older models that have been refurbished with new linear accelerator parts so that they’re in working condition. In fact, many run smoother than brand new equipment as it has had time for the kinks to be worked out. Having more than one machine in your practice means you won’t be rushed into finding an on-time medical equipment repair company. You won’t have to stress about not being able to accommodate patients and your repair person can take their time figuring out when your primary machine isn’t working properly. Although you ideally want to find an on-time medical equipment company to come out to service your machines, you won’t have as much of a headache knowing that you have a backup refurbished linear accelerator to handle your patient load in the meantime.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Analyzing Linear Accelerators and Their Major Components

Linear accelerators are widely used for the treatment of cancer using high radio-frequency electromagnetic waves to speed up electrons to increased energy in a linear path inside of an accelerator waveguide.  The frequency is medical LINACs is around 3 billion Hertz.  As the most common form of external beam radiation treatment after a cancer diagnosis it is crucial for end users to have a basic understanding of what a LINAC is.  As well as how the major components within LINAC systems work in conjunction with one another to produce radiation treatment.

Consider how a microwave oven works.  This is in the most basic sense how a linear accelerator operates.  A LINAC uses microwave technology to accelerate charged particles within a waveguide, tube like structure.  These electrons then strike a metal target producing photons. It is these photons that are focused on the cancerous tumor.  This radiation is delivered in the shape of the tumor to avoid contact with healthy tissues with the use of a variety of positioning devices.   Now that we have a general understanding of the linear accelerator lets take a look into the major components that allow LINAC systems to operate as we know them to as of today.

Drive Stand:

A drive stand is a rather large cabinet, usually rectangular in shape, that secures the LINAC machine to the floor of the treatment room that houses the gantry.


The gantry is a moveable frame of the LINAC that is located in the drive stand and rotates on a horizontal axis.  It helps direct the photon beams directly into the patient’s tumor.  The gantry rotates 360 degrees on its axis.  There are three components that are found within the gantry: the electron gun, accelerator structure, and treatment head.


The klystron is a major component that is located within the drive stand that delivers the microwave energy that is used to accelerate the electrons through amplified RF electromagnetic waves.

Accelerator Guide:

The energy from the klystron moves to the accelerator structure to speed up electrons.

Treatment Head:

The treatment head of a LINAC encases the components that shape the radiation to the specific size of the cancerous tumor.  This can include: bending magnets, primary collimator, beam flattening filter, wedges, blocks, and compensators.

Cooling System:

The water cooling system in a linear accelerator is located within the drive stand and gantry to regulate the temperature in the space.

In our next installment we will look in greater detail to the treatment head of a LINAC system and the variety of components housed within that help shape radiation beams into the shape of different cancerous tumors.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support

Maintaining LINAC Systems with OEM Replacement Parts

Any electrical equipment that is repeatedly used will break down due to several reasons such as improper maintenance or lack thereof. They can also malfunction owing to poor electrical connections, overrunning the machine’s capability, having an untrained individual operate the equipment, including not replacing worn out parts when needed.

The Importance Of LINAC Parts

A linear accelerator (LINAC) is a very complex medical device that delivers high-energy X-rays to treat patients with cancer. Each component within a LINAC system is important, and all of them need to continually undergo rigorous, cleaning, testing, and maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Linear accelerators Parts are very costly, and most LINAC owners often consider the option of buying a brand-new unit instead of paying for outrageously high repair parts costs, including maintenance and upkeep fees. Even though all LINAC parts have separate but vital functions, they are linked to each other and therefore, need to work in cohesion. Any breakdown of one of the parts can lead to a ripple effect that may render the whole system useless.

Cooling the LINAC Parts

The linear accelerator works by producing high energy particle beams, thus making the cooling system inclined to overheat. Depending on the model, most LINACs use a water cooling system that provides thermal stability to the system and allows the gantry and drive stand to operate at a constant temperature.

Today there are technologically advanced air-cooled chillers for LINAC cooling systems that are would probably cost more to replace a broken system. There are several independent oncology equipment refurbishing companies that have original equipment manufacturer (OEM) LINAC replacement parts, which even though they are also costly, however, once these LINAC parts are replaced, the system can continue to work like new.

The only concern when using such a complex and volatile piece of equipment is to maximize its uptime and minimizing on the overall total cost of ownership. Having said that, LINAC parts are available through the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) online or through a local dealer. The catch-22 is, do you go the economical way, such as scouring the local neighborhood depot to find the cheapest option that will work anyway, or do you stick with the original manufacturer’s LINAC parts?

Purchasing Replacement Parts

While the LINAC parts you find locally will probably serve you for a while until you can afford an OEM, but when it comes to quality, the materials will not be the same as the original. You can end up with a new replacement LINAC part that does not match up in the case of complicated parts and assemblies.

Maintaining LINAC systems with the original equipment manufacturer replacement parts also guarantee warranty coverage on each piece of equipment and in case the system fails, you can file a warranty claim provided the replacement parts that have been used match the manufacturer specifications. Using OEM LINAC parts also ensures the related components are compatible with the system, they are durable, and most importantly, they are reliable.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Fix or Forget It: Should you Repair That LINAC System or Buy New?

LINAC systems, the common name for linear accelerators, are very complicated and intricately built machines. They are formed by joining together several very small different parts, making it a highly fickle machine. Despite their extreme sensitivity, LINACs are very useful and powerful machines. They are a main component of many essential machines, such as the CT scanner.

Much like the CT scanner, linear accelerators can be used in several other machines related to the health industry. They are thus an integral part in fighting cancer with radiation therapy, while also being used in a large amount of research. However, because of their unbalanced structure, they are highly prone to many mechanical faults. Here is a look at the faults they may face and dealing with them.

Problems LINAC Systems Face

Used to hurl very small radiation particles at very high speeds at designated targets, linear accelerators are built by joining numerous small parts. Each part has its own function in the grand scheme of things and is often linked to adjacent parts. This makes the LINAC a very fickle machine since any faulty part can lead to the entire machine going out of order. Hence, the LINAC is an unsustainable machine that can require very intricate maintenance.

Everyone has heard about radiation equipment and how much intricate and complex it is. LINACs are a major component in radiation equipment. Parts for repairing radiation equipment are always very expensive, and this makes repairing LINACs a huge financial hassle, while also being exhausting. Therefore, the debate about whether to install spare parts or to change the machine entirely holds a lot of weight and is something that many professionals in the health industry constantly talk about.

Fix it or forget it?

Often the parts for repairing linear accelerators (LINAC) are so expensive that they come just in short of the actual amount for buying a new LINAC. This makes many people wonder if it is better to just buy a new machine altogether since the other parts of the LINAC might break down soon enough and need to be replaced as well. Although there is no definite answer to this query since it has do a lot with the personal beliefs of people, it is always better to use something to the maximum. Therefore, in our opinion, fixing radiation machines and LINACs is the better option.

Refurbishing/ Repairing

Parts for repairing linear accelerators might be highly expensive, but that is if you buy new parts. Instead, you can opt for the sensible option, which is refurbishing or repairing the broken parts. There are a number of firms in the market that offer refurbishing of parts for radiation equipment. The refurbished parts are often returned very quickly, and this efficient process saves you half the money you would spend on a new part. Therefore, it is best to find a good servicing company for your LINACs.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Five Reasons to Purchase Refurbished Linear Accelerators

Wondering why you are safe to buy used linear accelerators?


Looking for someone to supply Replacement Parts for Linear Accelerators?

Thanks to the unrelenting spirits of radiation technology experts, linear accelerators continue to maintain their place as among the most sophisticated tools in the treatment of cancer. They produce and deliver radiations with utmost precision, and thus helping a great deal in the fight against one of the dreaded maladies. And, while the best is often perceived as the finest in buying this piece of equipment, it also pays to consider a refurbished linear accelerator.

The decision to buy a new or used linear accelerator machine boils down to your pressing needs and your budget. A second-hand machine is oftentimes recommended when the facility aims at treating fewer than 8-10 patients on a typical day. Additionally, those facilities located in countries with limited budgets also qualify to buy a refurbished one.

A refurbished doesn’t mean that the machine is faulty and ineffective. Instead, it could have been used and its parts replaced, but still in pristine condition. The machine might have been in use at one of the big institutions, and perhaps it’s sold because it has no purpose. So, if you are a budding private veterinarian, a research fellow, a non-medical student or just about anyone looking to buy a low-budget linear accelerator, this post is for you.

Five reasons to invest on a refurbished Linear Accelerator

Hone your skills at your pace

As you work on meeting more challenges at your line of duty, such an affordable tool grants you a chance to hone your expertise. Especially if you are opening your center, expanding or just hoping to up your game, expenses can be the greatest worry. Thankfully, a refurbished linear accelerator will not be a bad idea.

Be a bit more flexible

In the medical world where machines are pretty much essential, being smart enough to have a backup tool often pays big time. When the main one fails, your facility will not stall simply because you have another linear accelerator.

The need to improve

As much as you are spending more in buying a second or third linear accelerator, the same investment might be helping you offer better services in the long run. In the end, the new tool will make your facility a go-to location, perhaps perfect for that much-needed expansion.

Strengthen your tools of work

There’s a certain form of uncertainty surrounding looming reimbursement cuts, and one of the best ways of staying put, despite the turbulence is investing in a second-hand, but still perfect, machine. A refurbished machine such as one linear accelerator strengthens your firm’s usual practices.

Peace of mind

When all’s said and done, peace of mind knows that you have a reliable tool when handling a massive and challenging assignment. And, if the unexpected happen, find a firm that offers the best replacement parts for linear accelerators.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

Outsourcing Medical Equipment Maintenance Is Beneficial

Indeed a hot and never-ending topic in the medical world, outsourcing seemingly has more benefits than its demerits. Especially whether they are the pricey equipment or just the Replacement Parts for Oncology Equipment, outsourcing the maintenance services serve a great money-saving idea. The following benefits are merely an eye-opener.

Benefits of outsourcing medical tools maintenance services

Arguably the greatest motivator behind outsourcing the maintenance services, the practice eliminates the need to hire in-house personnel. The need to repair and replace the machines isn’t as always as the other gigs, and thus, there’s no reason to hire someone whose job will not be a guarantee.

Moreover, most of the best persons skilled and experienced in doing the maintenance will consume a massive chunk of the facility’s funds. The biomedical technicians are so trained that the medical facility can’t guarantee their average salaries. So, an outsourced program reduces the overall costs of managing the most vital clinical assets.

An independent medical equipment company is a sure bet and will oversee the huge scope of work in a much reduced period. Such a firm is usually a collection of specialized minds who guarantee the highest standard of quality. And, granted that they can be only alerted whenever the job pops up, that’s a good idea considering their reliability and credibility whenever there’s a problem.

Pretty much like the medical sector is a dynamic and ever-growing industry, the ability to get skilled Biomed technicians always isn’t always guaranteed. A medical facility might choose to hire someone responsible for all the repairs, and that will not mean they’ll get the best brains. Clinical engineering technicians are a rarity, especially when the need for quality services is concerned.

Another benefit that comes with hiring independent medical equipment maintenance experts is their perfect knowledge concerning the best spare parts. When it comes to selecting the best tools like the Replacement Parts for Oncology Equipment, someone who is actively engaged in the industry have the answers. They’re also equipped with the latest manuals, test fixtures, and diagnostic devices and are less likely to fail.

For a facility that’s highly essential in offering the most reliable services for all, choosing a professional with experience can’t be overestimated. Being a professional extends to how you handle those less-important tasks. There will be no unpleasant glitches in your facility, and in the end, you’ll grow and become a viable solution for your patients.

There you have it; outsourcing can be expensive, but not as costly as having in-house personnel who is regularly paid for services needed once for an extended period. Firms to outsource the services from aren’t hard to locate.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

What Is a Linear Accelerator?

A linear accelerator is a device that uses high Radio-Frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves to accelerate charged particles to high energies in a linear path, inside a tube like structure called the accelerator waveguide. The resonating frequency of the medical linac is about 3 billion Hertz cycles per second. This is the most common device to treat cancer with external beam radiation. Accelerator is basically an apparatus for accelerating charged subatomic particles, used in radiotherapy, and the production of radionuclides.

A pulsed electron beam generated by an electron gun passes through a long, straight vacuum tube containing alternating hollow electrodes. The electrodes are arranged so that, when their high frequency potentials are properly varied, the electrons passing through the tube receive successive increments of energy. The electrons are stopped abruptly by a heavy metal target and directed by a collimator to deliver super voltage X-Rays to the patient receiving radiotherapy.

The linear accelerator (Linac), uses microwave technology to accelerate electrons in a part of the linac called waveguide, then allows these electrons to collide with a heavy metal target. As a result of these collisions, high energy X-Rays (Photons) are produced from the target.

Linear Accelerator Technicians: Performs advanced technical support related to the maintenance and operation of medical linear accelerators. Jobs include preventive maintenance scheduling and responding to down linear accelerator parts and services, Coordinates vendor service and documentation, when necessary. Maintains inventory and orders parts for linear accelerators. Can assist in the design and modification of treatment accessories for physics and other departmental equipment as needed for patient treatment, quality assurance and research support. May require an ASEE or equivalent or Bachelors’ degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or a directly related field. A senior position requires five (5) years of directly related experience maintaining and servicing medical linear accelerators. Specific experience is typically required on Varian Linear Accelerators. Authorized Varian training is highly desirable. Manufactures of these items include Siemens, Philips, Varian, and Elekta. Repair organizations include Acceletronics, Centura, and Altair.

When linear accelerator parts and services breaks down it is imperative that repair services are almost immediate. Downtime in a medical setting can literally be the difference between life and death so having the ability to have direct access to medical equipment repair services should be of the outmost priority. Another detail that is forgotten is the urgency of finding the parts for medical equipment. Without the proper parts to fix down machines technicians are at a stalemate with getting much need equipment like LINACS and CT scanners up and going again.

Having instantaneous access to OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators, Radiotherapy CT Simulators and Radiation Oncology equipment is pertinent.  With newer equipment it is often difficult to find access to replacement parts. Newer medical equipment can be difficult to find replacement parts for simply because of the newness of the piece to the market.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at http://www.radparts.c