Proper Maintenance and Care For Medical Equipment Part Two

In this installment on maintenance and care of medical equipment we will consider aspects in medical equipment care and maintenance including: contracting medical technicians, in house maintenance and basic and extended warranties.  It is crucial that facilities protect their investments especially when it comes to expensive medical equipment that is not easily replaced.  Medical facilities rely on medical equipment to be reliable and in proper working order as needed.  Each piece of medical equipment is responsible for accurate diagnosis.  Each technician is accountable for keeping the equipment software up to date, the equipment running properly and keeping patient care at the highest level possible.

In our last installment we discussed why both proper usage and following manufacturer’s use and maintenance guidelines were crucial in increasing the longevity of medical equipment.  In this installment we will further discuss ways to properly maintain and care for costly new and refurbished medical equipment.

In House Maintenance

It is crucial that the technicians operating medical equipment are not only trained in how to properly use the machine but also on how to perform regular, basic maintenance.  There are certain maintenance tasks that will not be able to be performed by equipment operator however basic upkeep is possible.   This will allow for immediate response if the medical equipment has a failure which reduces downtime and interruptions in patient care.  It is important to be aware of the operator’s capabilities and to know when to bring in professional help.

Comprehending Equipment Warranties

With proper care, maintenance and usage there equipment will be able to run properly for an extended period of time.  Problems can still occur and when that happens it is important to have an understanding of the products warranty.  Failure on the facilities part to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer could void the warranty.  This is why it is so important to thoroughly read and review equipment procedures and keep software regularly updated.

Hiring Professional Medical Equipment Technicians

It is vital for the longevity of the equipment in your medical facility to be regularly services by professional technicians.  As with any large piece of equipment be it in your home or business regular inspections, cleanings and maintenance are required yearly to keep functions running smoothly.  Service is offered in several different manners.  Your medical facility could have a scheduled contract with service specialists, hire third party of vendors on an as needed basis or rely on remote assistance.

The most important element that should be taken from these installments is that with regular care and maintenance provided by in house trained equipment operators and hired professional’s the longevity of  medical equipment will increase.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

Proper Maintenance and Care For Medical Equipment Part One

Medical equipment is costly and often requires a great deal of budgeting to purchase.  Even if the facility is able to find refurbished medical equipment it should be assumed that it will be rather pricey.  Gently used medical equipment that has gone through stringent refurbishing is one way that facilities can help cut costs.  It is important to remember that proper maintenance and regular care of refurbished medical equipment is as important if not more important than that of brand new equipment for medical use.

Proper maintenance and care is crucial for equipment that is used in the treatment of patients.  Daily use wears equipment down quickly.  In order to achieve the best results for patient care equipment must be kept functioning properly.  If equipment is not maintained facilities run the risk of constant malfunctions and breakdowns leading to a decrease in customer care which makes the practice seem unreliable.  Here are some valuable maintenance and care tips to help get your facility on the right track.

Appropriate Management

The way that facilities care and use medical equipment daily will predict how long the machine will last.  Improper use of sensitive medical equipment on regular basis will set the machine up for malfunction and failure.  Medical equipment should only be used as directed by the original manufacturer.  When medical equipment is used in a way that is not recommended there is a greater risk of harm to the patient as well as to the equipment operator.

Follow Manufacturer Procedures

When medical equipment is purchased, whether it is new or refurbished it is crucial that the manufacturer’s instructions on proper use and maintenance are included.   The manual will show a plan for regular diagnostics, updates to software and will advise facilities on hiring professional technicians to inspect and care for the equipment. It is important that the manufacturer’s guideline is followed. This will ensure that machine failure and snafus are kept to a minimum.

In the next installment on maintenance and care of medical equipment we will discuss contracting medical technicians, in house maintenance and warranties.  It is important to protect your investment.  Medical equipment is expensive and not easily replaced.  With the main objective of medical facilities being reliable, affordable patient care it is crucial that each piece of medical equipment is kept up to date, running as expected, providing proper diagnostics and keeping patient care at the highest level possible.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

Precise Cancer Treatment Found With Linear Accelerators

In the year 1956 the first medical linear accelerator was used in treatment for the first time in the Western Hemisphere. It was developed at Stanford. As technology continues to advance, LINAC equipment is keeping track as the most superior radiation therapy option that is obtainable today. Linear accelerators manufacture and distribute radiation with undeniable exactness that until 1956 was unavailable. Treatment using LINAC equipment is precise up to the millimeter.

Linear accelerator, with its advanced technology is used in all the most advanced radiation treatments. Working in conjunction with computers LINAC equipment can create highly sophisticated, goal oriented radiation therapy treatments including intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and intra-operative radiation therapy (IORT).

Revolutionary treatments are altering the ways in which cancer is being treated. Radiation therapy is now an option for numerous types of cancers. More cancer patients than ever before can take advantage of the radiation therapies available today. Exactly what is it about radiation therapy using linear accelerator technology that makes this possible?

Radiation oncologist therapists take images using digitized technology, both two dimensional and three dimensional images, to layout where the cancerous tumors lay within the healthy surrounding tissues and organs. This allows for incredibly targeted radiation treatment for the cancerous tumor without affecting the healthy tissues and organs surrounding it. With the accuracy of linear accelerator equipment patients are only required to hold still for approximately ten minutes while they receive the targeted treatment.

Interfacing with computers, LINAC equipment can create highly developed, objective radiation therapy treatments. The computer systems are advanced enough that the technology stores information about the patients and the treatment they are receiving to help oncologists and radiation therapists chart a detailed course of action to follow.

The benefits of using linear accelerators in radiation treatment over other options are abundant. One of the most basic advantages is the benefit of comfort and personalization. To ensure that cancer patients receiving treatment are as comfortable as possible while receiving treatment they are given full sized molds that have been personalized to their exact specifications. This allows patients the ability to be stabilized during radiation therapy treatments. When treating cancers in the brain a full sized mask is fitted to the patients face to allow it to sit comfortably in the position that is the most optimal for treatment. Most facilities also allow radiation technologists sooth patients by playing music during treatment as well.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

Linear Accelerators Are A Key Element In Treating Cancer

Radiation therapy using linear accelerator technology continues to offer a key element in the treatment of numerous cancers and conditions. It is crucial to note that over half of all cancer patients will receives some form of radiation therapy treatment during the course of cancer treatment. There are a number of steps that are taken to ensure patients are treated safely and as effectively as possible while receiving radiation using LINAC equipment.

One of the first steps that will be taken if your physician believes radiation therapy is to be a part of your treatment plan you will meet with a trained, professional radiation oncologist. A radiation oncologist is an expert that specializes in the treatment of cancer and other conditions requiring radiation. During this first official visit patients should expect the following:

The radiation oncologist will first meet with you, the patient, to go through your entire current and past medical history. Next the oncologist will want to discuss the family’s medical history. It is important to note any history of cancer within your family. Imaging results that were taken recently will be evaluated by the oncologist while they also do a complete physical examination. After this is complete the physician will assess the need for radiation therapy along with the outcome that can be expected after treatment. The radiation oncologist will talk to the patient and their family about the benefits and risks associated with the radiation therapy option using LINAC equipment. Finally you, the patient, will be able to ask questions that they have. This is all done during the consultation phase of treating cancer with linear accelerator machines that specialize in radiation therapy treatments.

In order to ensure that your treatment is both safe and effective the treatment has to target the exact location of the cancerous tumor verse the healthy organs and tissue. During simulation the patient is required to lie still in the same exact position they will be in during treatment and undergo CT, computed tomography, or other imaging technologies to determine where the tumor lies. At this point they may choose to mark the patient’s body to help with the accuracy of treatment. A custom device is created for immobilization such as facial masks, head rests and form fitted body molds to help keep the body in the same position throughout the entire radiation treatment session. To protect the tissue and organs that are healthy blocks and shields are created. A tool such as the multi-leaf collimator is used to shape radiation beams to target the cancerous tumor.

In the next installment we will continue to look deeper into planning, dose calculations, treatment, follow up after radiation treatment therapy and more.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment. We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

Maintaining Equipment While Sticking To A Budget

In the field of radiation oncology there is always a constant battle between bringing the best treatment options to patients while maintaining equilibrium to the budget.  In this latest installment we will continue to look into strategies that can help medical facilities that are struggling to find ways to reduce oncology costs while working to maintain quality.

In our last article we looked into purchasing refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners to reduce the initial expense of large scaled medical equipment.  Today we will look in to two different cost saving ideas: using existing equipment longer and contracting independent oncology equipment repair specialists to repair and maintain radiology equipment.

When facilities hold off on large purchases, such as buying a linear accelerator, it allows them to allocate their budget into other areas such as patient care, facility upkeep and the medical team itself.  The downside being that the latest technology available may not be in use.  That issue can be addressed in numerous ways such as regularly updating equipment software and performing regular maintenance tasks.  When performing these in conjunction with one another, facilities find that they can keep up with the upgrades found in newer equipment.

It is imperative that all equipment within the facility meets all of the manufacturer requirements for maintenance.  When maintenance is being performed on any large or small oncology equipment it is necessary that it is done by individuals who have been trained to service the model that is in use.  This is an absolute necessity.  Not all radiology equipment is created equally and therefore need to be serviced by professionals knowledgeable of your exact models service maintenance requirements.

Another strategy that can be employed for reducing oncology costs is to hire an ISO to maintain and service equipment rather than locking into an unnecessary contract.  An ISO can offer a substantial savings while ensuring service on demand at a lower cost.  The upsides of hiring an ISO are plentiful.  Not only can it save the facility money but time.  Time is of the essence when maintenance or repairs are performed on large scaled medical equipment.

When hiring an independent service organization take time to ask the following questions to make sure that the priorities of the ISO are similar to those of your medical organization.

  • What is the estimated response time to respond to service needs? Can they provide references to match their response?
  • Are there any guarantees on response time?
  • Is support available 24/7 Are there extra charges for after hour support? What type of training is done to provide technicians with the latest skills necessary in maintenance and repair for newer technology?
  • Can we choose between using new radiology parts or refurbished components when repairs and maintenance are being performed on our linear accelerators, CT scanners and other radiology equipment?
  • Is testing and calibration done in accordance to OEM standards? Will service history be documented and kept on file to ensure compliance with the OEM standards?
  • What are the hourly service charges? Does the facility pay for travel time?
  • How long has the ISO been servicing oncology equipment? Are FDA and state vendor regulations met?

It is important for hospitals, medical facilities and specialized radiation oncology treatment centers to look for ways to decrease expenditures without sacrificing patient care.  Healthcare facilities must ensure that this is done in a manner that is compliant with industry standards while seeking to increase client satisfaction.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

Curtail Equipment Expenses While Keeping Up With The Latest Technology

Nothing is inexpensive when it comes to purchasing equipment for medical use.  Medical facilities are in a constant battle to decrease expenses while maintaining quality.  This is especially difficult when it comes to radiation oncology where cutting edge equipment, such as linear accelerators and CT scanners can easily cost millions of dollars.  It is essential that facilities search for different ways to reduce expenses and cap costs.

In the following installment we will discuss three different options medical facilities both big and small can provide top notch services to stay competitive without sacrificing the delivery and quality of care.  One way that medical facilities seek to do this is by purchasing refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners.

Medical facilities can curtail equipment expenditures while keeping up with updates in technology, improving safety, providing more precise treatments and streamline work flow by budgeting for and purchasing refurbished equipment.  This is an extremely attractive alternative to purchasing brand new equipment especially when you can arrange to procure similar models to what is currently being used in your facility.  Using similar model equipment to what is already in use saves money on training.  It also reduces the amount of time that is usually lost when adopting to a new piece of equipment.

Refurbished equipment can offer the same performance and reliability as new equipment at a discount.  Choosing a reputable supplier that specializes in radiology equipment while also offering installation and maintenance services medical facilities save a great deal of money without any sacrifice.

Before seeking to purchase new refurbished medical equipment it is imperative that the decision makers in charge of purchasing get answers to seven very important questions.  These include:

  • Can we purchase refurbished equipment? If so, what is the process of refurbishing that the radiology oncology equipment we are seeking goes through?  Are the parts thoroughly tested?
  • Should we be able to expect that the refurbished medical equipment, either a linear accelerator or CT scanner, perform according to the manufacturer’s original specifications?
  • Will the equipment comes with any warranties or guarantees covering parts and labor?
  • Will the supplier that the refurbished oncology equipment is purchased from also be able to perform the installation? What about future maintenance?
  • What has the overall reaction to this model been? Have facilities that are using this model reported any ongoing issues?
  • Do they have a radiation test cell? Will full beam testing be done prior to installation within the medical facility?
  • What is the company’s reputation in the industry? Are you able to speak with other medical facilities that have been provided refurbished equipment and services from the supplier?

In our next installment we will continue looking into ways that medical organizations can save money when looking into reducing expenses in their medical equipment budgets while keeping up-to date with advances in technology in the field of radiation oncology.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

Hiring Professionals To Maintain and Repair Medical Equipment

Most individuals experience a sense of confidence when it comes to making repairs to their personal items. Some car owners enjoy doing their own automobile repairs. The same is true of many homeowners; they thrive on being capable to keep up on the maintenance and improvements that need to be made around their homes. It is important for many individuals to do this type of work on their own because of the money it saves overtime. Think about the amount of money that could be saved if you didn’t need to hire a mechanic or contractor each time something wasn’t working.

Do-it-yourself maintenance and repairs are not always so simple in other areas. Once such field that requires experts is when medical equipment needs to be maintained or repaired. In order for a professional to be trained to repair equipment throughout medical facilities such as linear accelerators and CT scanners they will need a specialized education. This can be obtained through many community college or vocational schools. Individuals that service medical equipment are referred to as biomedical equipment technicians.

Some hospitals or medical facilities will have a full time staff member that is equipped to handle all of the maintenance and repairs that need to be done throughout the facility on large scaled medical equipment. They are on staff and available to fix malfunctioning equipment immediately. However, in many circumstances hospitals and medical facilities are functioning on a budget therefore relying on biomedical equipment technicians who work on contract or are available for on call service.

Immediate response to medical equipment repairs is necessary. Patient’s lives rely in this equipment to be up and running properly for treatment and diagnosis. If machines are functioning improperly or not at all nurses and physicians risk making critical mistakes. When individual lives are at stake there is absolutely no room for any errors especially from the machines that set out to help them. In the health field, biomedical technicians and the work that they do are critical to the day to day operations of the facility.

It takes quite a few people throughout medical facilities and hospitals to keep the everyday flow running smoothly. Medical equipment that is operating properly allows radiologists to offer patients proper diagnostics and treatments. It takes many trained professionals to ensure that medical equipment is in proper working order. Routine maintenance and proper repairs made the first time around by trained professionals has a significant contribution to the overall health and wellbeing of patients.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment. We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at

Benefits Of Outsourcing Medical Equipment Repairs

In medical facilities there is a great debate when it comes to outsourcing and the hospitals bottom line. Leaders within the biomedical equipment repair industry agree on the overwhelming advantages that come with outsourcing.  The advantages of outsourcing discussed within this article also apply to several other departments within the healthcare industry.  In order to achieve long term goals amongst deep budget cuts medical facilities must create a solid foundation in asset management across the board including medical equipment service strategies.

Three Major Benefits of Outsourcing Biomedical Equipment Repair and MaintenanceStrategies

Lower Operating Expenses:  This seems like an obvious benefit of outsourcing but many individuals overlook it when evaluating the concept on a whole.  Outsourcing allows medical facilities to retain less personal, reducing operating expenses while increasing the results gained through experienced vendors.  Without the need to hire and train these highly specialized personnel resources labor and operating costs can be reduced.

Outsourcing leaves the vendors responsible for providing highly skilled, trained individuals to repair medical equipment at a moment’s notice.  These services can be paid for on an as needed basis instead of the facility being required to pay the salary and ongoing benefits that they would need to pay a full time biomedical equipment repair specialist.  Thus saving the facility the expense of recruiting, training and the exceptionally expensive extras involved in maintaining a staff of professionals to maintain, care for and repair specialized equipment similar to linear accelerators and CT scanners.

Quality: With the ongoing changes and growth in the technology of medical devices it is crucial to have access to biomed service technicians that are up to date on training and available immediately.  Qualified technicians are vital in keeping life saving equipment functioning properly and providing accurate test results.  Outsourcing allows medical facilities to contract skilled biomed equipment repair specialists to accurately maintain, efficiently diagnosis and repair equipment in a timely manner thus keeping life saving equipment functioning properly.

Capital Budgeting: In order for all businesses to function and grow it is vital that medical facilities, large or small, manage all of their assets, including personal, in an efficient manner.  It is crucial that in-house programs as well as those that are outsourced are prioritized.

There are so many ways in which it makes sense to outsource the area of biomed equipment repair services including lower operating expenses, quality technicians while assisting medical facilities of all sizes to remain vital and competitive.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at